Rapid Response Rural Data Analysis and Issue Specific Rural Research Studies, Rural Health Research Dissemination Program, Rural Health Innovati
The Rural Health Research Center program supports policy-relevant research to help decision makers understand challenges faced by rural communities and providers. The Rapid Response Rural Data Analysis and Issue Specific Rural Research Studies program assists communities to conduct rapid data analyses and short-term research studies to understand the impact of policies and regulations and improve access to health care. The Rural Health Research Dissemination Program disseminates and markets policy-oriented information for use by diverse audiences to raise awareness of issues regarding policy implications, access, quality and status of health care delivery, services, and management. The Rural Health Innovation and Transformation Technical Assistance Program provides technical assistance (TA) to rural stakeholders and the public to understand and engage in value-based care landscape in rural health care. The Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program Evaluation Cooperative Agreement improves healthcare in rural areas by analyzing Critical Access Hospital (CAH) data, capturing best practices, and targeting limited CAH resources. The Information Services to Rural Hospital Flexibility Recipients Cooperative Agreement provides TA, capacity building and support to the Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program and the Small Rural Hospital Improvement Program. The National Rural Health Policy, Community, and Collaboration Program identifies and educates rural stakeholders about national policy issues and promising practices for rural health; supports engagement of communities; facilitates collaborations to support rural health. The State Offices of Rural Health Coordination and Development Program (SORHCDP) builds the capacity of the 50 State Offices of Rural Health (SORH) and rural stakeholders nationwide to better coordinate and improve rural health services. The Rural Quality Improvement Technical Assistance Cooperative Agreement provides TA to FORHP recipients, Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs), and other rural providers, using data to demonstrate improvement in quality of care for rural patients. The Rural Health Clinic Technical Assistance Cooperative Agreement provides TA to Rural Health Clinics and disseminates information regarding issues such as Medicare survey, certification, billing, payment, and regulatory issues. The Rural Residency Planning and Development - Technical Assistance program establishes a rural residency planning and development TA center to assist HRSA Rural Residency Planning and Development (RRPD) recipients creating new allopathic medicine rural residency programs associated with specialties such as primary care, psychiatry, and general preventive medicine. The Targeted Technical Assistance for Rural Hospitals Program improves healthcare in rural areas by providing targeted, in-depth TA to rural hospitals within communities struggling to maintain health care services. The Rural Residency Planning and Development (RRPD) Program develops newly, accredited and sustainable rural residency programs to support expansion of physician workforce in rural areas. The Rural Communities Opioid Response Program-Evaluation cooperative agreement evaluates the impact of RCORP initiatives, which currently include eight active RCORP grant programs. -Medication Assisted Treatment Access, RCORP-Implementation, and pilot programs. The Rural Communities Opioid Response Program- Rural Centers of Excellence on Substance Use Disorder builds the evidence base for what prevention, treatment, and recovery interventions are effective and sustainable in communities and disseminates this information to strengthen the substance use disorders (SUD) services. The Rural Healthcare Provider Transition Project provides TA to assist eligible small rural hospitals and RHCs in strengthening their foundation in key elements of value-based care. The Rural Telementoring Training Center program trains academic medical centers and other centers of excellence (COEs) to create or expand technology-enabled collaborative learning and capacity building models (such as Project ECHO). The Rural Health and Economic Development Analysis program increases public and stakeholder awareness of the economic impacts of rural health care sectors on rural, state, and national economies. The Rural Emergency Hospital Technical Assistance Center Program ensures rural hospitals and communities have information and resources needed to make informed decisions for the best Rural Emergency Hospital (REH) model of care and facilitate successful implementation of REH. The Rural Hospital Stabilization Pilot Program improves health care in rural areas by providing in-depth TA to rural hospitals to enhance or expand service lines to meet local need and keep health care services available locally. The Rural Maternal Health Data Support and Analysis Program provides data support to rural maternal health care networks
This chart shows obligations for the program by fiscal year. All data for this chart was provided by the
administering agency and sourced from SAM.gov, USASpending.gov, and Treasury.gov.
For more information on each of these data sources, please see the
About the data page.
The Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program Evaluation Cooperative Agreement continues to provide program evaluation resources, data analysis and reports, and evidence-based best practices to Critical Access Hospitals. In FY 2021, they published 11 policy briefs and their data and research findings were cited in articles appearing in 15 peer-reviewed journals.
In FY 2021, rural research programs completed and published 77 research reports, including policy briefs posted on the Rural Health Research Gateway website and manuscripts published in peer-reviewed journals.
The Rural Quality Improvement Technical Assistance (RQITA) Cooperative Agreement fielded 296 technical assistance requests and provided 21 in-depth consultations with State Flex Program Coordinators in FY 2021, and continued to provide program-wide assistance in the area of quality improvement.
In FY 2021, the Rural Healthcare Provider Transition Project provided comprehensive, virtual technical assistance in the area of quality improvement to three hospitals and provider based rural health clinics, and delivered multi-part learning collaborative sessions on health equity to 17 hospitals and provider based rural health clinics.
The State Offices of Rural Health Coordination and Development (SORHCD) held listening sessions on Maternity Care Health Professional Target Areas (MCHPTA), funding to states to improve broadband infrastructure, and State Office of Rural Health broadband strategies with 226 total participants.
The Information Services for Rural Hospital Flexibility Program participant grantees rated 4.52 on a five point Likert Scale that knowledge gain from program activities helped improve their grant program performance.
The Vulnerable Rural Hospital Assistance Program provided technical assistance to 45 hospitals to help them maintain essential services.
The Rural Communities Opioid Response Program-Evaluation has conducted analyses of grantee-reported performance data. In FY 2021, the evaluation team expanded the development of data dashboards for grantees across multiple cohorts, to enable grantees to better track and benchmark their performance and assisted with the development of new data indicators to assess the impact of the RCORP initiative.
The Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program Evaluation Cooperative Agreement continues to provide program evaluation resources, data analysis and reports, and evidence-based best practices to Critical Access Hospitals. In FY 2022, they published 12 policy briefs and their data and research findings were cited in articles appearing in 15 peer-reviewed journals..
In FY 2022, rural research programs completed and published 81 research reports, including policy briefs posted on the Rural Health Research Gateway website and manuscripts published in peer-reviewed journals.
The Rural Quality Improvement Technical Assistance (RQITA) Cooperative Agreement fielded 539 technical assistance requests and conducted 45 calls with State Flex Program Coordinators in FY 2022, and continued to provide program-wide assistance in the area of quality improvement to both hospitals and State Flex Programs.
In FY 2022, the Rural Healthcare Provider Transition Project provided comprehensive, virtual technical assistance in the area of quality improvement to six rural hospitals and their provider based rural health clinics. Program evaluation takes place annually at six and twelve months post project. The most recent cohort increased quality and patient experience scores and expanded services.
In FY22, The State Offices of Rural Health Coordination and Development (SORHCD) participated in a broad range of National Rural Health Day (NRHD) activities, bringing nationwide attention to rural health issues. The publication of their stories, including SORH summaries, has earned approximately 4,000 views since November 2022. Close to 72 million Twitter impressions were counted throughout November, with about 31 million on NRHD.
The Information Services for Rural Hospital Flexibility Recipients Cooperative Agreement participant grantees rated 4.46 on a five point Likert Scale that knowledge gain from program activities helped improve their grant program performance.
The Targeted Technical Assistance for Rural Hospitals Program provided technical assistance to 45 hospitals to help them maintain essential health care services. The combined Years 1-5 cohorts have a footprint in 37 states and one territory
The Rural Communities Opioid Response Program-Evaluation has conducted analyses of grantee-reported performance data. In FY 20221, the evaluation team developed several documents summarizing cohort specific grantee successes including sustainability and MAT provision.
The Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program Evaluation Cooperative Agreement continues to provide program evaluation resources, data analysis and reports, and evidence-based best practices to Critical Access Hospitals. In FY 2024, they published 15 policy briefs pertaining to data and research findings on State Flex Programs and critical access hospital’s financial and operational performance.
In FY 2024, rural research programs completed and published 55 research reports, including policy briefs posted on the Rural Health Research Gateway website and 20 manuscripts published in peer-reviewed journals.
The Rural Quality Improvement Technical Assistance (RQITA) Cooperative Agreement fielded 447 technical assistance requests and presented at 30 meetings/conferences/webinars in FY 2024, and continued to provide program-wide assistance in the area of quality improvement to both hospitals and State Flex Programs.
In FY 2024, the Rural Healthcare Provider Transition Project provided comprehensive, virtual technical assistance in the area of quality improvement to five rural hospitals and their provider based rural health clinics.
In FY 2024, the State Offices of Rural Health Coordination and Development (SORHCD) participated in a broad range of National Rural Health Day (NRHD) activities, bringing nationwide attention to rural health issues. The publication of their stories, including SORH summaries, has earned approximately 2,000 views since November 2023. Close to 51 million X (Twitter) impressions were counted throughout November, with about 31 million on NRHD.
In FY 2024, the Information Services for Rural Hospital Flexibility Recipients Cooperative Agreement hosted the in-person Flex Program Reverse Site Visit bringing together 45 Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility (Flex) Program recipients and rural stakeholders to share best practices on evaluation and improving access to rural health care. This program provides technical assistance (TA) to assist Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility (Flex) Program beneficiaries and Small Rural Hospital Improvement Program (SHIP) award recipients to improve health care in rural areas by improving the quality and financial viability of health care providers in rural communities.
In FY2024, the Targeted Technical Assistance for Rural Hospitals Program provided technical assistance to 42 hospitals to help them maintain essential health care services.
The Rural Communities Opioid Response Program-Evaluation has conducted analyses of grantee-reported performance data. In FY 2024, the evaluation team successfully helped to migrate all award recipients to the Sales Force data collection platform. This new platform helps streamline data collection efforts.
In FY24, The Rural Communities Opioid Response Program- Rural Centers of Excellence on Substance Use Disorder launched the Rural SUD Info Center, a clearinghouse of evidence-based practices for Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery. The Info Center provides best practices, tools, and research for rural communities as they work to build and strengthen a comprehensive approach to substance use disorder (SUD). These resources offer support to rural providers/partners, recovery specialists, rural community members, and more.
In FY24, the Rural Emergency Hospital Technical assistance Center provided technical assistance to 112 rural hospitals to help them explore whether the REH model is the best option for sustaining access to healthcare services in their communities.
Single Audit Applies (2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F):
For additional information on single audit requirements for this program, review the current Compliance Supplement.
OMB is working with the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) and agency offices of inspectors general to include links to relevant oversight reports. This section will be updated once this information is made available.