


in FY 2022 obligations



Categories, by FY 2022 obligations

This chart shows total program obligations by category, for the top categories. Data for all categories is available in table format below. All data for this chart and table were provided by the administering agency and sourced from SAM.gov.

When creating Assistance Listings for each of their programs, agencies are offered the opportunity to select one or many "functions" and "sub-functions" that best align with the program from a pre-defined list. The categories and sub-categories shown on this website are the "functions" and "sub-functions" self-selected by agencies. They can be found in the Functional Index of the Annual Publication of Assistance Listings on SAM.gov.

Agencies may assign multiple "functions" and / or "sub-functions". The numbers in the chart and table may be greater than the cumulative figure displayed on this page, which represents the total number of dollars aligned to the category or sub-category without double counting. Additionally, the numbers displayed on this page should not be interpreted as funding or a number of programs associated exclusively with this category and / or sub-category.

In selecting from the list of "functions" and "sub-functions" agencies are not offered guidance on their meaning. As a result, the number and context of "functions" and "sub-functions" assigned to a program may vary by program.

Obligations displayed represent program obligations for FY 2022, as reported by the agency to SAM.gov after the fiscal year concludes. This number may not be the same as what is reported on USASpending.gov, which is the authoritative source for government spending data. Both SAM.gov and USASpending.gov obligations data are reported on each program page, where available.

Programs are defined as individual assistance listings, as submitted by agencies to SAM.gov.