The objective is to develop decision-relevant data and analysis on the market viability and program readiness (including availability, technological feasibility, incremental benefits, regulatory treatment, and cost-effectiveness) of potential consensus specification requirements for incentive-eligible equipment, and support deployment and in-field efficiency of qualifying equipment as part of utility ratepayer-funded energy efficiency programs. Recipient tasks include technical and market analysis to inform decisions on updating Energy Efficiency Product Performance Tiers, coordinate market transformation efforts to support the uptake and in-field performance of IRA Tax Credit-eligible residential equipment in the home retrofit market, and coordinate market transformation efforts to support the uptake and in-field performance of IRA Tax Credit-eligible residential equipment in targeted product-only programs and their controls in the “emergency” or “end of useful life" home equipment replacement market.
This chart shows obligations for the program by fiscal year. All data for this chart was provided by the
administering agency and sourced from SAM.gov, USASpending.gov, and Treasury.gov.
For more information on each of these data sources, please see the
About the data page.
NASEO: NASEO finalized the white paper deliverable, Technology Based Economic Development: Assessment of States’ Roles and Opportunities.NASEO launched a webpage dedicated to Energy Technology-based Economic Development and the Innovation Ecosystem: http://www.naseo.org/technology-transitions. Held NASEO-EPSA Joint Roundtable at Energy Policy Outlook Conference to discuss electricity policy. Launched Answers to State Questions (ASQ), an online forum for state officials to submit questions that arise as a result of the EPA’s Clean Power Plan. 3N Meeting conducted to discuss barriers and options under the EPA’s Clean Power Plan Rule. NASEO EPIC staff briefed NASEO’s state energy planning lead on the outcomes of the EPIC roundtable, white paper, and continued engagement on the Quadrennial Energy Review. During this discussion, NASEO colleagues discussed potential updates to NASEO’s statewide energy planning database to reflect policy items raised over the course of the EPIC project.
NGA: The NGA Center continued to conduct research and update its database on state actions (i.e., legislation, executive orders, and regulations). During this period, NGA Center staff continued to track actions across seven policy categories including energy efficiency, clean electricity and others. This included an update for 2015. NGA Center staff also developed ideas for expanding the categories included in the database. NGA Completed the policy database with state actions from 2008 - 2015. They continue to work on the state actions for 2016. NGA has submitted their top trends briefing to DOE. NGA hosted a webinar on State Energy Policy Trends and State Feedback.
NARUC: 3N Clean Power Plan Meeting Held Conducted jurisdiction baseline meeting in Washington, DC. Webcasts and conference calls held with NASEO, NCSL, NACAA, AAPCA, ECOS, and NGA. Held a follow-up meeting in Washington, D.C. on the jurisdiction baseline. Finalized and performed multistate outreach memo document NARUC had developed with input from seven states.
NASEO: Under task 3, NASEO hosted a webinar on Energy Workforce Development for NASEO members and key partners, including 18 State Energy Office registrants. Under task 3, NASEO provided written briefing to EPSA on importance of energy workforce development to advancing State Energy Office energy policy goals and priorities. They also developed expanded workforce-focused workplan for EPSA consideration. Under task 4, NASEO organized a small group conference call with seven states to discuss data, metrics, and impact tracking associated with comprehensive state energy planning.
NGA: NGA researched a wide array of sources and assessed the major policy and regulatory developments in all states in the target areas.
NCSL: Under task 1.1, NCSL has drafted outlines of the two Energy Water Nexus papers, one on thermoelectric cooling and one on lifecycle water responsibility in oil and gas production. NCSL has participated on a number of phone calls and researched source materials for both papers. NCSL has been working directly with EPSA to revise the draft outline and participated on multiple calls with NASEO to discuss the best approach and share resources. Under task 1.6, NCSL rewrote a comprehensive report examining the current state of nuclear power in the U.S. and what the spate of recent nuclear plant closures means for the U.S. energy mix. The report highlights the role that state legislatures play and policy options for states that wish to retain their current nuclear fleet. This report was originally ready for publication in August 2016. At EPSA’s request, NCSL held the report until the release of the QER. Given the topic and developing actions related to nuclear power, NCSL rewrote the report with updated information and state examples. Under task 1.7, NCSL answered a number of information requests from state legislators and legislative staff related to nuclear power. In particular, NCSL answered 3 requests asking for a summary of state legislation that had been proposed or enacted by state legislatures that would support the operation of nuclear power plants. Another request asked for information on new nuclear power projects, along with state legislation that supported new nuclear power developments. In addition, several requests asked for detailed information regarding Illinois; S.B. 2814, the Future Energy Jobs Bill, which among other things, provides support to struggling nuclear power plants. Under task 1.1, NCSL has received comments on and revised outlines of the two Energy-Water Nexus papers: Thermoelectric Cooling Water in Oil and Gas Production. NCSL is in the process of researching and drafting the papers. NCSL worked directly with EPSA during outline revisions and participated on calls with NASEO to discuss the best approach and share resources. Under task 1.6, NCSL published the report State Options to Keep Nuclear in the Energy Mix. This report provides extensive background and discussion on issues that have led to the premature closure of existing nuclear power generation and provides information on state policies which support existing nuclear power. The report was published as a PDF online and 1,000 copies were printed as well. In addition, NCSL published a blog to promote the report. Under task 1.7, NCSL answered a number of information requests from state legislators and legislative staff related to nuclear power and testified on the topic. NCSL staff testified on nuclear retention issues and state policy actions before the newly created Pennsylvania Nuclear Energy Caucus. It is the first bipartisan, bicameral nuclear caucus in the country. Under task 1.8, NCSL continued to update the database on a biweekly basis and has entered and summarized all energy-water nexus related bills as well as nuclear generation bills in all 50 states, commonwealths and territories. They received nearly 650 web page visits per month on average.
NARUC: NARUC hosted a meeting to discuss Emerging Electricity Technologies and a Smart Grid Federal-State Jurisdictional Boundaries and Opportunities for State Action. The meeting addressed two major questions:
Complete initiated projects.
Single Audit Applies (2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F):
For additional information on single audit requirements for this program, review the current Compliance Supplement.
OMB is working with the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) and agency offices of inspectors general to include links to relevant oversight reports. This section will be updated once this information is made available.