5312 Research Program
The goals and objectives of Public Transportation Innovation projects vary according to the type of project, and there is a phased process where projects build upon each other and continue based upon their success or failure. Research projects have the ultimate goal to develop and deploy new and innovative ideas, practices, and approaches. Eligible research projects focus on: (A) providing more effective and efficient public transportation service, including services to— (i) seniors; (ii) individuals with disabilities; and (iii) low-income individuals; (B) mobility management improvements and travel management systems; (C) data and communication system advancements; (D) system capacity, including— (i) train control; (ii) capacity improvements; and (iii) performance management; (E) capital and operating efficiencies; (F) planning and forecasting modeling and simulation; (G) advanced vehicle design; (H) advancements in vehicle technology; (I) asset maintenance and repair systems advancement; (J) construction and project management; (K) alternative fuels; (L) the environment and energy efficiency; (M) safety improvements; or (N) any other area that the Secretary determines is important to advance the interests of public transportation. Then, successful research ideas can result in innovation and development projects that improve public transportation systems nationwide to provide more efficient and effective delivery of public transportation services, including through technology and technological capacity improvements. Eligible innovation and development projects focus on: (A) the development of public transportation research projects that received assistance under subsection (c) that the Secretary determines were successful; (B) planning and forecasting modeling and simulation; (C) capital and operating efficiencies; (D) advanced vehicle design; (E) advancements in vehicle technology; (F) the environment and energy efficiency; (G) system capacity, including train control and capacity improvements; or (H) any other area that the Secretary determines is important to advance the interests of public transportation. Demonstration, deployment, and evaluation projects should build on successful research, and innovation to promote the early deployment and demonstration of innovation in public transportation that has broad applicability. Demonstration programs require a comprehensive evaluation within two years of the project receiving assistance. Eligible demonstration, deployment, and evaluation projects focus on: (A) the deployment of research and technology development resulting from private efforts or Federally funded efforts; and (B) the implementation of research and technology development to advance the interests of public transportation.; or (C) the deployment of low or no emission vehicles, zero emission vehicles, or associated advanced technology. For the LOW OR NO EMISSION VEHICLE COMPONENT TESTING (Low-No Testing program): FTA competitively selects at least one institution of higher education to operate and maintain a facility to conduct testing, evaluation, and analysis of low or no emission vehicle components intended for use in low or no emission vehicles. The institution(s) shall have: (I) the capacity to carry out transportation-related advanced component and vehicle evaluation; (II) laboratories capable of testing and evaluation; and III. direct access to or a partnership with a testing facility capable of emulating real-world circumstances in order to test low or no emission vehicle components installed on the intended vehicle. Component testing is voluntary; however, a low or no emission bus model must still comply with Section 5318 Bus Testing. The TRANSIT COOPERATIVE RESEARCH PROGRAM (TCRP) is a cooperative agreement between FTA and the National Academies of Science to administer a public transportation cooperative research program with an independent governing board to recommend public transportation research, development and technology transfer activities. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law introduced two new initiatives: an Advanced Digital Construction Management Systems program and expended capabilities for Low or No Emission Component Testing Centers. The Advanced Digital Construction Management Systems program is designed to promote, implement, and document the benefits of advanced digital construction practices. Meanwhile, Low or No Emission Component Testing Centers are now authorized to conduct targeted technology research, purchase equipment, and fund capital projects related to testing low or no emission vehicle components and researching advanced vehicle technologies that benefit the public transportation industry as a whole.
This chart shows obligations for the program by fiscal year. All data for this chart was provided by the
administering agency and sourced from SAM.gov, USASpending.gov, and Treasury.gov.
For more information on each of these data sources, please see the
About the data page.
FTA anticipates implementing new programs and continuing to build on accomplishments in accordance with the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act requirements. FTA will award contracts and cooperative agreements through research, development, demonstration, and deployment projects, and evaluation of research and technology of national significance to public transportation that improves public transportation in our nation.
Projects were chosen through a new transparent, participatory, and consensus oriented planning process. Also, as there is a five year authorization, FTA plans to develop a five year strategic plan in late 2016.
FTA will establish a new testing program to assess low or no emission vehicle (LoNo) components. It is anticipated that 10 applications will be received and 3 awards will be granted in Fiscal Year 2016.
No obligations until FY 2018. Accomplishments under this sections are reflected in CFDA 20.514.
Accomplishments for FY 2017 are reflected in assistance listing 20.514.
FTA’s 2018 research projects support the Department of Transportation strategic goals of:
• Safety: Reduce Transportation-Related Fatalities and Serious Injuries Across the Transportation System.
• Infrastructure: Invest in Infrastructure to Ensure Mobility and Accessibility and to Stimulate Economic Growth, Productivity and Competitiveness for American Workers and Businesses.
• Innovation: Lead in the Development and Deployment of Innovative Practices and Technologies that Improve the Safety and Performance of the Nation’s Transportation System.
• Accountability: Serve the Nation with Reduced Regulatory Burden and Greater Efficiency, Effectiveness and Accountability.
through three primary program areas of: Mobility Innovation, Safety, and Infrastructure.
Projects funded in FY 2018 include:
(1) Provided funding for the Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) serves to provide technical assistance in the form of working with FTA to resolve many issues that plague the transit industry. This assistance helps to ensure that transit providers understand, prioritize, and comply with achieved resolutions. In FY 2018, TCRP published 12 research products that included full research reports, syntheses of practice, quick studies, and other research activities spanning a broad variety of topics in public transportation. Webinars are a communication tool of TCRP. In addition, the Transportation Research Board host webinars about TCRP products. During the spring of FY 2018, the webinar system hit its registration capacity when 1,300 people signed up for Broadening Understanding of the Interplay between Public Transit, Shared Mobility, and personal Automobiles.
(2) Funded 12 projects in 9 states that explored solutions and improvements that were innovative approaches to eliminating or mitigating safety hazards, improve infrastructure resiliency, and improve all-hazards emergency response and recovery. Final reports expected in Winter 2018 for two projects. One project is a tabletop exercise with appropriate local emergency management agencies to coordinate and enhance its existing all-hazard emergency management and recovery plan. The second project developed and tested an emergency recovery plan with local transit agencies and emergency management transportation groups of five counties, provided training materials for 198 individuals and completed six workshops throughout the U.S. using lessons learned from emergency recovery plan development.
(3) Funded a safety project that will develop a guidance document for transit agencies to develop and implement an Employee Safety Reporting system that includes transit employee reporting system practices of safety standards, protocols, and best practices. Expect delivery of the guidance document in 2019.
(4) Funded safety research projects that provided technical support to transit agencies to pursue innovative approaches to eliminate or mitigate safety hazards. Examples of FY 2018 projects funded transit agencies to produce data on the effectiveness of various technological approaches to enhancing transit safety in collision warnings and avoidance and employee safety protection. Three projects: (1) fixed-mounted train detection and worker warning system demonstration project that will document safety improvements to track workers; (2) track inspector location awareness system project that includes installing secondary wayside systems on tracks for roadway workers lowering the possibilities of injuries and fatalities for employees; and (3) bus mirror configuration project that established preliminary visibility requirements for transit bus operators.
In Fiscal Year 2019, FTA funded research that supported the Department of Transportation goals of Safety, Infrastructure, Innovation and Accountability. FTA’s primary research program areas are Mobility Innovation, Safety, and Infrastructure.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR PROJECTS FUNDED IN FY 2019 INCLUDE: 1) In FY 2019, the Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP), completed 11 publications, including 5 research reports, 6 synthesis reports 8 webinars, selected 22 new research projects and other research activities spanning a broad variety of topics in public transportation.
2) In FY 2019, FTA funded eight Transit and Health Access demonstration grant projects in seven states. Through creative partnerships between health, transportation, and other service providers, the demonstration projects have introduced creative new services or capitalized on existing transit services. The projects are diverse and multi-faceted, making use of many strategies including innovative mobility management and coordination, specialized rural transit services, volunteer drivers, travel training, and assistance with enrollment into reduced fare and paratransit programs.
3) In FY 2019, FTA funded two educational institutions in two states to establish, operate, and maintain facilities to conduct testing of new Low or No (LoNo) Emission Bus Testing Centers. Both institutions will conduct a feasibility study to develop capital project plans and a preliminary design of what the emission bus testing centers will look like.
4) In FY 0219, FTA funded two institutions of higher education in two states to test, evaluate and conduct analysis of low or no (LoNo) emission vehicle components for the Low or No (LoNo) Emission Component Assessment Program (LoNo-CAP). Each institution’s facility is ready to conduct testing and have been advertising their services to the transit industry.
5) In FY 2019, FTA funded a safety project that created a guidance document for transit agencies nationwide to develop and implement an Employee Safety Reporting Program (ESRP), a program that provides a process for employees and contract employees, to report safety conditions to senior management. The program includes a demonstration of how three (small, medium and large) transit organizations use and implement employee safety reporting systems and identifies challenges in implementing the ESRP. In FY 2019 the following results were produced, a literature review was performed, a guidance document was provided titled “A Guide for Implementation of an Employee Safety Reporting Program (ESRP),” and a webinar was held giving an overview of the ESRP rule requirements. The guidance document provides a roadmap on how to design, develop, implement, and operate an effective ESRP for transit agencies.
FTA will continue to fund research that supports the Department of Transportation goals and focuses on FTA programs Safety, Mobility Innovation, and Infrastructure in Public Transportation Innovation projects funded accomplishments during FY 2020 include:
1). FTA funded two Automated Driving System (ADS) Demonstration projects out of eight awards in seven states to test the safe integration of automated driving systems on our nation’s roadways. These grants are testing and demonstrating Level 3 and Level 4 vehicles using shared on-demand, wheelchair accessible ADS-equipped vehicles.
2). FTA funded 25 projects in 23 states totaling $20.3 million for the Integrated Mobility Innovation (IMI) Program using funds available under the Public Transportation Innovation Program for projects that demonstrate innovative and effective practices, partnerships and technologies to enhance public transportation effectiveness, increase efficiency, expand quality, promote safety and improve the traveler experience.
3). FTA funded the TCRP and 22 research products were published that included 11 full research reports, 8 syntheses of practices, 1 legal research digest, 1 web-only document, and 9 webinars were conducted, and other research activities spanning a broad variety of topics in public transportation.
4). FTA published • FTA published a competitive notice of funding opportunity for Public Transportation COVID-19 Research Demonstration Grants with the goal of supporting strategies to develop, deploy, and demonstrate innovative solutions that improve the operational efficiency of transit agencies and enhance the mobility of transit users affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. FTA received 104 eligible applications and granted 37 awards in 37 states, totaling $15.8 million in fiscal year 2020.
5). FTA posted a FY 2020 competitive notice of funding opportunity in the amount of $14.0 million for Accelerating Innovative Mobility (AIM) Challenge Grants. The goal is to accelerate the development, implementation and adoption of innovative transit technologies, practices and service models to improve mobility and enhance the rider experience, with a focus on innovative service delivery models, creative financing, novel partnerships, and integrated payment solutions. FTA received 75 eligible applications and granted 25 awards in 24 states and one territory, in fiscal year 2020.
FTA will continue to fund research that supports the Department of Transportation goals and focuses on the FTA three primary program areas of: Safety, Mobility Innovation, and Infrastructure
1). Redesign of Transit Bus Operator Compartment to Improve Safety, Operational Efficiency and Passenger Accessibility (Bus Operator Compartment) Program - FTA funded two projects for the Bus Operator Compartment program to develop new transit bus operator compartment designs to enhance protection of operators from assault and improve their view of the road, while still allowing them to interact with passengers, including people with disabilities and those in need of special assistance. The results achieved were two reports (1) Redesign of Transit Bus Operator Compartment to Improve Safety, Operational Efficiency, and Passenger Accessibility), and (2) Analysis of Assault/Crime Data on Regional Transit Authority Vehicles and relevant Operational Practices, Procedures, and Training. These reports provide information to guide future research and recommendations for new bus compartment designs.
2). Integrated Mobility Innovation (IMI) Demonstration Program - FTA awarded 24 IMI demonstration projects. The projects are exploring new business approaches and emerging technology solutions that support transformational mobility services; enable communities to adopt innovative mobility solutions that enhance transportation efficiency and effectiveness; and facilitate the widespread deployment of proven mobility solutions that foster expanded personal mobility. The IMI Program will have an independent evaluation for each selected project as statutorily required.
3). The Accelerating Innovative Mobility (AIM) Program - FTA AIM Program successfully accomplished awarding 23 of the 25 AIM demonstration projects funded. Several projects completed project planning activities and are in the demonstration phase. These projects will help transit agencies explore new service models that provide more efficient service. They will assist FTA’s ongoing effort to drive innovative transit technologies and practices that encourage travelers to choose public transportation, promote economic development in communities, and enhance mobility for all. The AIM Program will have an independent evaluation for each selected project, as statutorily required once the project is active.
4). Infrastructure Program - Track Asset Management Demonstration - The Track Asset Management Demonstration project is one of five active projects funded under the Infrastructure Program. This project achieved results include MARTA Operations continue utilizing Phase 1 technologies installed, and monthly from the Work Train gathering and validating track inspection data. The project also conducted and approved the final design review of ATIS Phase 2 technologies in May 2021. It was supplemented by a detailed structural analysis of a major beam component. ATIS Phase 2 technologies were procured, configured, and ready for installation on the structural beam for upcoming acceptance testing. This project is the first deployment of this technology on a transit system in the U.S. It is assisting track workers to find track anomalies in a real-time environment. The program is conducting an independent and continuous evaluation during the project performance period. The evaluator will include detailed information about design, issues, and resolutions in its final evaluation report.
5). FTA expects the program activities for the Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) to include finalizing research efforts and developing the final product for the Phase II project on Cost Allocation Technology for Non-Emergency Medical Transportation in FY 2021. FTA also anticipates developing a proof-of-concept for Phase I projects on Robots for Unmanned Disinfection and Decontamination of Transit Assets, and Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Inspect, Repair and Sanitize Transit Vehicles that clearly establishes technical merit, feasibility, and commercial potential in FY 2021. FTA evaluates the quality of performance of the small business prior to determining whether the small business will receive support for Phase II investment.
Accomplishments of funded projects under the Public Transportation Innovation program in FY 2022 include:
1) FTA successfully entered into four award agreements out of the 37 projects selected for funding under the COVID-19 Research Demonstration program in FY 2022.
2) FTA was presented the final design during an interactive webinar with urban transit agencies about implementing Bus of the Future design concepts in bus acquisitions or refurbishments. The New Orleans Regional Transit Authority installed barriers on 108 total buses, with two buses remaining to be completed. This effort is part of the Redesign of Transit Bus Operator Compartment to Improve Safety, Operational Efficiency and Passenger Accessibility (Bus Operator Compartment) Program.
3) In FY 2022, projects under the Integrated Mobility Innovation (IMI) Demonstration Program activities - the Stark Area (OH) Regional Transit Authority developed an innovative alternative payment system for mobility, business and personal applications targeted to low-income, disadvantaged, disabled, student, elderly, and other underserved populations. The Memphis Area Transit Authority started the implementation of a micro-transit on demand project in Boxtown/Westwood neighborhood of Memphis, a low-density, suburban neighborhood with a large elderly population and infrequent transit service. All active IMI project recipients participated in collaborative activities shared their approaches to mobility innovation, through monthly topical meetings, quarterly exchanges, and web-based informal exchanges. The IMI Program will have an independent evaluation for each selected project as statutorily required.
4) Under the Accelerating Innovative Mobility (AIM) Program - In FY 2022, the City of Wilson in rural central North Carolina replaced its fixed-route transit service with on-demand, rural microtransit to provide more targeted service and solve first/last mile connections. The microtransit system includes accessible vehicles and phone booking and restructured fares. Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) used GPS technology to enable free transit rides for passengers who use fare cards and board at designed stops. The AIM Program will have an independent evaluation for each selected project, as statutorily required once the project is active. All active AIM project recipients participated in AIM incubator and Mobility Innovation Collaborative activities to collaborate and share their approaches to mobility innovation, through monthly topical meetings, quarterly exchanges, and web-based informal exchanges.
5) Under the Infrastructure Program - Track Asset Management Demonstration project is one of five active projects funded under the Infrastructure Program. In FY 2022, MARTA Worked Train continued to operate during Phase II to allow data to be gathered by Phase I technologies and analyzed by the team for final evaluation. Beam structural component redesigned and fabrication efforts were completed, shipped, and installed by July 2022. MARTA and its partner completed Phase 2 Technologies test and performed demonstration to FTA and its evaluator. The program is conducting an independent and continuous evaluation during the project performance period. The evaluator will include detailed information about design, issues, and resolutions in its final evaluation report.
Accomplishments of FTA funded projects in the Public Transportation Innovation Program during FY 2023 include:
1) The Accelerating Innovative Mobility (AIM) program funded innovative projects to help transit agencies better meet rider needs and adapt to changes in transportation. AIM grant recipients deployed new technologies and services such as microtransit, vehicle automation, integrating ride-hauling with transit, and contactless fare payments. For example Kitsap County made significant progress on designing an electric fast foil ferry and launched a website for it in April 2023. In North Carolina, the City of Wilson expanded service hours and increased vehicles for its public rideshare service, RIDE, and completed a final report on their microtransit project. All AIM recipients participated in collaborative activities to share their innovative approaches. Each AIM project will also undergo an independent evaluation as required by law.
2) During FY 2023, initial research activities were initiated under the Mobility NeXt program, focusing on understanding the current state of mobility innovations and identifying research gaps. These efforts aim to develop a Strategic Plan that will guide the program, including the establishment of clear goals and objectives. The Mobility NeXt program seeks to enhance transit system design, service, and financing, ultimately making public transportation more attractive and effective.
3) The Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) accomplished the following: Produced 18 publications, including five research reports, seven syntheses of practice, one legal research digest, one web-only document, one Transportation Insights publication, and three Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis (IDEA) reports. This brings the total to nearly 780 publications since the inception of the program. Project Panels: Over 150 transit industry professionals participated on 18 project panels. J-07 Synthesis: The Synthesis Committee selected eight projects for FY 2023 funding. Held two TOPS Commission meetings annually (June and October). At the June 2023 meeting, three presentations were given by the Principal Investigators of recently completed TCRP reports. At the October meeting, 14 research projects were selected for FY 2024 funding.
4) FTA funded two Low or No Emission Vehicle Component Assessment (Low or No CAP) Centers and utilized new provisions from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) to enhance the program’s effectiveness for the public transportation industry. With these capabilities, FTA realigned the program and established new statements of work with both centers. Additionally, FTA developed a three-step decision-making process for directed research, involving both FTA and external stakeholders to inform research topic selection for low or no CAP. This process includes: 1) using stakeholder focus groups to generate research topics; 2) selecting projects with a future FTA directed research working group; and 3) conducting and disseminating research through partnerships and demonstrations. With the new directed research provision of the BIL, Ohio State University and Auburn University will play a vital role in supporting transit agencies’ safe and efficient transition to zero emission fleets by 2050.
5) As part of the Redesign of Transit Bus Operator Compartment to Improve Safety, Operational Efficiency, and Passenger Accessibility (Bus Operator Compartment Program), the International Transportation Learning Center (ITLC) presented a final design to FTA in FY 2023 during an interactive webinar. Throughout the year, the ITLC team and partners engaged with transit agencies, manufacturers, and other stakeholders through meetings, webinars, and outreach events to discuss the operator workstation redesign. The New Orleans Regional Transit Authority (NORTA) installed barriers on 113 retrofitted buses in collaboration with New Flyer and FNI Parts, and this project influenced the design of 41 factory installed barriers on new 35- and 40-foot New Flyer buses.
Accomplishments of projects funded under the Public Transportation Innovation Program in FY 2024 include:
1) In FY 2024, FTA received over 48 applications and anticipate granting two to four cooperative agreement awards in the Enhancing Mobility Innovation (EMI) Program under the Public Transportation Innovation Program.
2) In FY 2024, FTA successfully allocated funds for the Technology Transfer Program and developed a dedicated webpage.
3) In FY 2024, the accomplishments of the Accelerated Implementation and Deployment of Advanced Digital Construction Management Systems (ADCMS) Program included the successful announcement of the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), resulting in a total of 10 proposals received, of which eight were deemed ineligible. Two phases of reviews were conducted, and following the initial evaluation, two proposals were found eligible for further assessment. Additionally, FTA hosted a successful webinar for prospective applicants, attracting 130 participants to promote interest and provide guidance on the funding opportunity. This effort facilitated the identification of potential awardees and the establishment of partnerships.
4) FTA aims for this CTfastrak Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) Safety and Accessibility Deployment project to achieve significant milestones, including the successful retrofitting of three battery electric buses with advanced ADAS technologies. The integration of the five safety features is anticipated to enhance on-road safety, improve transit service reliability, and increase accessibility for riders throughout the Ctfastrak local bus network. Comprehensive testing and demonstration of these systems will provide valuable insights for future implementations.
5) For the CTE Transit Vehicle Innovation and Deployment Centers (TVIDC) project, in FY 2024, anticipated accomplishments include delivering research products and tools that educate and inform stakeholders in the transit industry about effectively deploying zero-emission technology. This initiative aims to reduce pollution and improve air quality for transit customers and the broader community.
Anticipated accomplishments for FY 2025 projects in the Public Transportation Innovation Program include:
1) For FY 2025, the Enhancing Mobility Innovation (EMI) Program anticipates awarding four cooperative agreements to support innovative projects aimed at improving mobility and the rider experience. These projects will focus on concept development, demonstrations to enhance public transit mobility, and the creation of software for integrated demand-responsive services. Key outcomes will include stakeholder engagement, data collection to evaluate effectiveness, and the development of best practices for broader adoption. The program aims to expand mobility options, improve accessibility, and drive innovation in public transportation. activities will be initiated, focusing on concept development and demonstration projects that improve public transit mobility, as well as the development of software solutions for integrated demand-responsive services. Key outcomes will involve stakeholder engagement, data collection and analysis to evaluate effectiveness, and the creation of best practices and guidelines for wider adoption. The program aims to enhance mobility options for riders, improve accessibility, and achieve significant progress towards its overall objectives, ultimately fostering innovation in public transportation.
2) For the Technology Transfer (T2) Program, FTA anticipates announcing a competitive Notice of Funding Opportunity. Anticipate receiving 10 applications and plans to grant one award for the T2 Program. Project activities expected to commence in 2025 and may include: 1) Promoting the early deployment and demonstration of innovative research; 2) Advancing promising technologies, practices, and strategies including, but not limited to planning, acquiring essential services, and program implementation; and Commercializing technologies developed through FTA funding. FTA anticipates being ready to accept proposals and estimates receiving three proposals, ultimately entering into one cooperative agreement with the selected awardee. Activities are expected to begin in FY 2025.
3) For the Advanced Digital Construction Management Systems (ADCMS) Program, FTA anticipates the following accomplishments for the ADCMS program: 1) announcing the awardee; 2) entering into a cooperative agreement with the selected awardee; 3) establishing a Research Advisory Committee (RAC) made up of industry professionals; and 4) holding one virtual meeting with the RAC, project team, and transit agency partners.
4) For the Bus Safety and Accessibility Research Program, FTA anticipates receiving 30 proposals in response to the Notice of Funding Opportunity solicitation and plan to award one grant in fiscal year 2025. FTA plans to announce the selected awardee, finalize a cooperative agreement, and implement project activities soon thereafter.
5) For the STAR PLAN 2.0, For FY 2025, FTA anticipates receiving 20 proposals in response to the Automated Microtransit for Hard-to-Serve Communities Demonstration Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) and plans to award four to five agreements in fiscal year 2025. FTA plans to announce the selected awardees, enter, and finalize cooperative agreements, and implement project activities soon thereafter.
Single Audit Applies (2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F):
For additional information on single audit requirements for this program, review the current Compliance Supplement.
OMB is working with the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) and agency offices of inspectors general to include links to relevant oversight reports. This section will be updated once this information is made available.