To improve railroad safety and reduce railroad-related casualties and accidents.
This chart shows obligations for the program by fiscal year. All data for this chart was provided by the
administering agency and sourced from SAM.gov, USASpending.gov, and Treasury.gov.
For more information on each of these data sources, please see the
About the data page.
The Hazardous Materials Division will oversee two grants (H-TRAM Rail Corridor Risk Management for Class II and III Railroads, and Transcaer. Hazardous Materials was able to enhance the nationwide emergency response training through its support of the American Chemistry Council’s Transcaer Program. The grant for H-TRAM Rail Corridor Risk Management for Class II and III Railroads assists in rail routing security. The Hazardous Materials Division plans to continue funding the Transcaer grant and possibly others in order to enhance rail emergency response and the security of hazardous materials in transportation. Operation Lifesaver provided assistance to State programs for State coordinator training; national and regional training seminars; educational materials; information to the public promoting rail safety through public service announcements, videos, website and e-learning, and supported the national office to administer its programs and developed and deployed national public awareness and outreach campaign “See Tracks? Think Train”?. The law enforcement liaisons have developed a wide variety of initiatives and rail safety training programs for local law enforcement and emergency responder organizations throughout their respective regions. These initiatives include conducting grade crossing collision investigation training and emergency responder training for hundreds of police, fire, and emergency responders. The liaisons conduct extensive outreach to communities to promote grade crossing safety, encourage enforcement of laws related to trespassing and highway rail grade crossings.
Transcaer taught 49,999 emergency responders about railroad emergency response through its various face to face exercises and webinar training outreach all over the United States in 2016. Some of the training included the following: students were trained in Chlorine response during 15 training events; the Crude by Rail component was rolled out this year to a national audience; and there were 14 ethanol safety seminars in addition to training for Anhydrous Ammonia.
The Hazardous Materials Division will continue to oversee one grant for Transcaer. Hazardous Materials was able to enhance nationwide emergency response hands on exercises, train the trainer, face to face and web based training through its support of the American Chemistry Council’s Transcaer Program. The Hazardous Materials Division plans to continue funding this Transcaer grant and possibly others in order to enhance rail emergency response and the security of hazardous materials in transportation.
Operation Lifesaver provided assistance to State programs for State coordinator training; national and regional training seminars; educational materials; information to the public promoting rail safety through public service announcements, videos, website and e-learning, and supported the national office to administer its programs and developed and deployed national public awareness and outreach campaign “See Tracks? Think Train.”
The law enforcement liaisons have developed a wide variety of initiatives and rail safety training programs for local law enforcement and emergency responder organizations throughout their respective regions. These initiatives include conducting grade crossing collision investigation training and emergency responder training for hundreds of police, fire, and emergency responders. The liaisons conduct extensive outreach to communities to promote grade crossing safety, encourage enforcement of laws related to trespassing and highway rail grade crossings.
The FY 2017 grant ($1,000,000) for Operation Lifesaver supports OLI Administration of public education and awareness programs related to highway-rail grade crossing safety and railroad trespass prevention in the United States, and consists of four Tasks: States Assistance Programs, Training and Education Programs, Communications Programs and OLI Program Administration.
FRA obligated funds for 12 grants supporting state inspector and hazardous materials training, as well as trespassing prevention.
FRA obligated funds for 27 grants supporting state inspector and hazardous materials training, as well as trespassing prevention.
In FY 2020, FRA obligated funds for 37 grants supporting state inspector and hazardous materials training, as well as trespassing prevention.
In FY 2021, FRA obligating funds for grants supporting state safety inspectors, hazardous materials training, railroad safety education programs, and trespassing and suicide prevention.
In FY 2022, FRA funded grants supporting state safety inspectors, hazardous materials training, railroad safety education programs, and trespassing and suicide prevention.
In FY 2024, FRA has continued funding grants supporting state safety inspectors, hazardous materials training, and railroad safety education programs.
FRA anticipates publishing a new FY 2025 – FY 2027 Railroad Safety State Participation Grant Program NOFO to make available funding appropriated through the FY 2022 and FY 2023 Consolidated Appropriations Act.
Single Audit Applies (2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F):
For additional information on single audit requirements for this program, review the current Compliance Supplement.
OMB is working with the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) and agency offices of inspectors general to include links to relevant oversight reports. This section will be updated once this information is made available.