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Women's Bureau

Program Information

Popular name


Program Number


Program objective

The Women’s Bureau was created by law in 1920 to formulate standards and policies to promote the welfare of wage-earning women, improve their working conditions, increase their efficiency, and advance their opportunities for profitable employment. The Women’s Bureau establishes and maintains linkage with national, community and faith-based organizations, business and industry, trade unions, research foundations, academic, and Federal, State, and local government agencies in an effort to develop cooperative projects that address the employment and supportive service needs of women.

Program expenditures, by FY (2023 - 2025)

This chart shows obligations for the program by fiscal year. All data for this chart was provided by the administering agency and sourced from,, and

For more information on each of these data sources, please see the About the data page.

Additional program information

  1. 2016

    In FY 2016, the Women’s Bureau (WB) worked to maintain and develop projects in response to the demands and challenges of the 21st century workforce. The Bureau continued efforts in support of its mission “to develop policies and standards and conduct inquiries to safeguard the interests of working women, advocate for their equality and economic security for themselves and their families, and promote quality work environments.” The Bureau’s mission is as critical today as when the agency was established in 1920, because women now comprise almost half of the Nation’s workforce, and their contributions are vital to our country’s economic prosperity.

    The Bureau continued its role as an advocate for women in the labor force and a vital source of information about issues affecting working women, educating individuals and organizations at the local, state, and national levels. It also worked promoting policy and programmatic changes aimed at increasing equal economic and employment opportunity for working women and their families. Specifically, the Bureau focused its efforts in support of the Secretary’s vision of “Promoting and Protecting Opportunity” related to two strategies: Advancing Policies that Support Women and Working Families in the 21st Century Economy; and Promoting New Opportunities for Women’s Advancement and Earning Power.

    ADVANCING POLICIES THAT SUPPORT WOMEN AND WORKING FAMILIES IN THE 21ST CENTURY ECONOMY – In FY 2016, the Women’s Bureau continued its collaboration with DOL’s Employment and Training Administration to administer a paid leave grant program. Approximately $1.25 million in grant funds were made available for the 2015 grants to support research and analysis needed to explore, develop, implement and/or improve paid family and medical leave programs at the State and municipal levels, as well as in U.S. Territories and Possessions and federally recognized Indian/Native American Tribes.

    The Bureau also continued its collaboration with DOL agencies on advancing the latest research and further study on paid leave benefits and costs and conducting outreach on paid leave. Building on the White House Summit on Working Families action plan, the Bureau continued to advance policy initiatives targeting industries with unique challenges to implementation of flexible workplace practices, including those industries that employ minimum wage and lower-paid workers whose families may depend on reliable employment of women earners.

    In support of pregnant women and nursing mothers, the WB published a user-friendly and easy to understand guide for employers and employees on the benefits of providing reasonable accommodations to pregnancy and nursing workers. The guide addresses gaps in Federal law and provides an overview of relevant state laws that could serve as models for policy makers.

    The Bureau also conducted research on the economic impact of child, elder, and disabled informal caregiving on women in the short-term and long-term and the policy implications of those effects in terms of women’s economic security, including employment, income, savings, retirement, and poverty rates. Research was also conducted to gain a better understanding of the needs and challenges workers face in their efforts to secure safe, quality, affordable care for their children while in training programs. Special emphasis for the research included those pursuing training in the federal workforce development system and the information gathered will be used to inform new grant initiatives.

    PROMOTING NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN’S ADVANCEMENT AND EARNING POWER – In FY 2016, the Women’s Bureau continued its work in collaboration with the National Equal Pay Task Force, working to advance equal pay for women by reducing occupational segregation as a barrier to equitable compensation. The Bureau focused on increasing opportunities for women in non-traditional careers as one approach to reducing pay inequities between men and women and also worked to increase women’s presence in-demand occupations that offer increased earnings potential for women.

    Another area of research in FY16 reflected the Bureau’s efforts around the barriers that immigrant and refugee women workers face in moving out of low-wage jobs and into jobs in nontraditional occupations and emerging industry sectors that pay well above minimum wage. The Bureau’s research resulted in the development of a fact sheet that updated data on immigrant and refugee women workers; strategies for improving their upward mobility in the job market; and a statistical profile, including demographic, geographic, and employment characteristics of the population.

    OUTREACH EFFORTS – The Bureau continued to build on and and increase its work with state and local governments and organizations, the women’s and civil rights advocacy community, and labor union leaders to share model practices and to continue to raise women’s awareness of, and increase education on issues of importance to working women and their families. In addition to producing and updating publications, the Bureau worked to update and improve website functionality and resources.

    In FY16, the WB updated its Equal Pay and Pay Secrecy publications and the related interactive website maps. The Bureau also released its first e-book on, a long-awaited update of its women’s employment rights guide. The publication includes information on employees’ right to equal employment opportunity (e.g., equal pay, age discrimination, disability and reasonable accommodation); right to be free of hostile work environments; right to family and medical leave; right to a safe and healthy work environment; right to fair labor standards (e.g., minimum wage and overtime); right to organize; and to receive injury, illness, or disability benefits; etc.

    The Bureau continued to expand its Clearinghouse website, which houses Department of Labor resources, tools, and publications of interest to women, including resources on working women from non-federal sources. Resources include reports, papers, policies, fact sheets, case studies, and discussion guides, as well as interactive career exploration activities for women; a list of non-profit organizations publishing and interested women’s employment issues; and links to resources on topics such as career development; compensation and wages; access to and preparation for better jobs; workplace discrimination; workplace practices and supports; workplace safety and violence; retirement planning; education and training programs; and women’s rights in the workplace. The Bureau also promoted its new NTO website: Women Protect, Build and Move America, which focuses on best practices in law-enforcement, construction and transportation careers. Specifically, the website offers a repository of information for women job-seekers and service providers, including occupational data and statistics, relevant organizations, associations and advocacy groups, promising practices and success stories, and support service resource and referral information. These resources are key outreach tools that benefit practitioners, policymakers, researchers, the media and the general public.

  2. 2022

    Conducted outreach to women who are paid low wages at work and are otherwise marginalized and underserved. Shared educational materials through various platforms, including social media, in-person or virtual events, brochures and leaflets, and one-on-one consultations.

  3. 2023

    The FARE Grant Program made awards to five community-based organizations that undertook projects to assist marginalized and underserved women workers who have been impacted by gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH) in the world of work.

Single Audit Applies (2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F):

For additional information on single audit requirements for this program, review the current Compliance Supplement.

OMB is working with the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) and agency offices of inspectors general to include links to relevant oversight reports. This section will be updated once this information is made available.

  1. Pub. L. 66-259, 29 U.S.C. 11-16.