Las Vegas Wash (LVW Program)
The objective of this program is to develop and implement management strategies for the Las Vegas Wash to improve water quality, habitat integrity, and reduce the salinity and sediment transport while providing environmental enhancement and recreational opportunities.
This chart shows obligations for the program by fiscal year. All data for this chart was provided by the
administering agency and sourced from,, and
For more information on each of these data sources, please see the
About the data page.
Information not available. Program accomplishments include completed bank protection at the Calico Ridge, Rainbow Gardens, Pabco, Powerline Crossing, Bostick and Historic Lateral weirs along approximately 6,700 feet of bank throughout the Wash; revegetated approximately 47 acres with native plants; ongoing activities including biological resource studies, revegetation site landscape design and monitoring, archaeological investigations, water quality monitoring and monitoring of threatened and endangered bird species. Comprehensive cultural resource investigations at various site occurred, which will ensure protection of these sites into the future.
Program accomplishments include erosion control and bank-line stabilization at Archery weir, Silverbowl weir, DU wetlands No. 1 weir and DU Wetlands. No. 2 weir and light work on Tropicana weir. Large vegetation and sediment will be taken from selected locations in the wash and disposed of in predetermined stockpiles adjacent to the Wash or hauled off site. Ongoing activities including biological resource studies, revegetation site landscape design and monitoring, archaeological investigations, water quality monitoring and monitoring of threatened and endangered bird species. Comprehensive cultural resource investigations continue to occur at sites throughout the wash to ensure protection of these sites into the future.
Biological and cultural resource management continued in FY-20. Native vegetation was planted along the Wash while non-native vegetation was removed. Bird surveys continued throughout the Wash and provided new information on two federally protected bird species. Water quality samples were collected and analyzed, and the data were uploaded into the Lower Colorado River Water Quality Database. A comprehensive resurvey of the Las Vegas Wash Archaeological District was completed, allowing for more effective cultural resource protection into the future. The Las Vegas Wash Long-Term Operating Plan was completed and approved.
Native vegetation was planted along the Wash while non-native vegetation was removed. Biological surveys for birds, amphibians, and reptiles continued throughout the Wash and provided new information on three federally protected bird species. Trash, debris, and unused irrigation material was removed. Water quality samples were collected and analyzed, and the data were uploaded into the Lower Colorado River Water Quality Database.
Revegetation and restoration activities including weed removal, planting, maintenance of irrigation systems; Water quality monitoring activities including quarterly sampling of the wash and tributaries, real-time monitoring, and adding telemetry systems; wildlife management activities including rodent and shrew surveys, bat surveys, threatened and endangered bird surveys, and avian point count surveys; Coordinating committee program management activities.
The activities funded address some of the Las Vegas Wash Coordination Committee primary activities relating to revegetation and implementation monitoring, water quality monitoring in the Las Vegas Wash mainstream and tributaries, Las Vegas Wash Wildlife Management Plan, and Las Vegas Wash Coordination Committee program management.
Single Audit Applies (2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F):
For additional information on single audit requirements for this program, review the current Compliance Supplement.
OMB is working with the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) and agency offices of inspectors general to include links to relevant oversight reports. This section will be updated once this information is made available.