Title XVI Water Reclamation and Reuse
To make funding available for water recycling and desalination projects. To develop and supplement urban and irrigation water supplies through water reuse and the treatment of ocean or brackish water—thereby improving efficiency, providing flexibility during water shortages, and diversifying water supply portfolios. Title XVI of P.L. 102-575, as amended (Title XVI), directs the Secretary of the Interior, acting through the Commissioner, to undertake a program to identify and investigate opportunities to reclaim and reuse wastewaters and impaired ground and surface water in the 17 Western States and Hawaii. Title XVI provides authority for the Secretary to provide up to 25 percent of the cost of planning, design, and construction of water recycling projects, up to $30 million unless otherwise specified by Congress, as well as up to 50 percent of the cost of feasibility studies. The Water Desalination Act of 1996, as amended by P.L. 114-332 provides authority for the Secretary to provide up to 25 percent of the cost of planning, design, and construction of ocean or brackish water desalination facilities. Section 40905 of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, P.L. 117-58 provides authority for the Secretary to provide up to 25 percent of the cost of planning, design, and construction of water recycling projects with a total estimate project cost of $500 million or more.
This chart shows obligations for the program by fiscal year. All data for this chart was provided by the
administering agency and sourced from SAM.gov, USASpending.gov, and Treasury.gov.
For more information on each of these data sources, please see the
About the data page.
Information not available. In FY 2017, six authorized projects received $20.9 million for planning design, and construction, $1.7 million was awarded for thirteen new Title XVI feasibility studies, and $847,701 was awarded for four water reclamation and reuse research projects. Three WIIN projects were also transmitted to Congress for a total of $10 million in Federal funding.
For FY18 and FY19: Some of the Title XVI water reuse benefits include improving water-use efficiency, providing flexibility during water shortages, and diversifying the water supply. In areas where municipalities and industry (M&I) are looking to agriculture as a water source, Title XVI projects reduce the need to transfer agricultural water to M&I uses.
Fifty-three projects are specifically authorized and fifty-six projects are currently eligible under the WIIN Act. Two demonstration projects have also been undertaken through the general authority. Since the program’s inception in 1992, more than $775 million in Federal cost-share has been leveraged to design and construct water recycling projects.
In FY 2019, Reclamation selected five congressionally authorized Title XVI water reuse projects to receive $16.98 million in FY 2019 Federal funding. Reclamation also selected four Title XVI Water Reuse Research Projects to receive $1.6 million in FY 2019 funding. FY 2019 WIIN Act Title XVI project recommendations ($20 million) are currently under review and have not yet been transmitted to Congress.
In FY 2018, six authorized projects received approximately $35.3 million from FY2018 appropriations and a small amount from previous year funding for planning, design, and construction. Six Title XVI WIIN projects were also transmitted to Congress for a total of $20 million in Federal funding.
Reclamation selected nine congressionally authorized Title XVI water reuse projects to receive $16.68 million in FY 2020 Federal funding. FY 2020 appropriations included $20 million identified for WIIN Act Title XVI projects, which was allocated to seven projects using the results of the FY 2019 selection process.
Reclamation selected two congressionally authorized Title XVI Water Reclamation and Reuse projects to receive $9.5 million in FY2021 Federal funding. Eleven WIIN Act Title XVI projects were selected for a total of $30 million in FY 2021 Federal funding.
On August 18, 2022, Reclamation announced over $310 million in Title XVI Program funding, including BIL funds, for the planning, design, and construction of 25 non-Federal water reuse projects.
Through the Water Recycling and Desalination Planning funding opportunity, Reclamation selected 31 projects totaling $29 million in Federal funding for planning and pre-construction activities to support new water reuse and desalination projects.
Through the Title XVI Water Reclamation and Reuse funding opportunity, Reclamation selected 11 projects totaling $106 million in Federal funding.
Through the Desalination Construction funding opportunity, Reclamation selected 4 projects totaling $57 million in federal funds.
Through the Large-Scale Water Recycling funding opportunity, Reclamation selected 4 projects totaling $179 million in federal funds.
Through the Title XVI authorized project funding opportunity, Reclamation selected two projects totals $23 million is federal funds.
Single Audit Applies (2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F):
For additional information on single audit requirements for this program, review the current Compliance Supplement.
OMB is working with the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) and agency offices of inspectors general to include links to relevant oversight reports. This section will be updated once this information is made available.