OESI (Ocean Energy Safety Institute)
The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) provides major economic and energy benefits on a national and local level to the taxpayers and states. The Agency oversees the exploration and development of oil, natural gas and other minerals and renewable energy sources on the nation's Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). BSEE continues to look for better ways to serve the American people and to ensure that the nation receives the best oversight and regulation of national resource development now and into the future. BSEE not only supports decisions made within the Department of the Interior, but also provides coastal states and local governments with the information necessary to ensure that all stages of offshore energy and mineral activities are conducted in a manner that protects both human and natural environments. The OCS Lands Act (OCSLA) Sections 1347 and 1348 respectively mandate the development and enforcement of regulations that protect safety, health and the environment. OCSLA Section 1345 authorizes the use of cooperative agreements with affected states to meet the requirements of OCSLA, including sharing of information, joint utilization of available expertise, formation of joint monitoring arrangements to carry out applicable Federal and State laws, regulations, and stipulations relevant to OCS operations both onshore and offshore. The purposes of the BSEE Office of Offshore Regulatory Programs (OORP) is to obtain information to improve the knowledge, practices, and technologies used to promote operational safety and pollution prevention for offshore oil and gas, wind, and other marine energy activities.
This chart shows obligations for the program by fiscal year. All data for this chart was provided by the
administering agency and sourced from SAM.gov, USASpending.gov, and Treasury.gov.
For more information on each of these data sources, please see the
About the data page.
Operation and Maintenance of the Ocean Energy Safety Institute (OESI). Operation and Maintenance of the Ocean Energy Safety Institute (OESI). The mission of the OESI is provide a forum for dialogue, shared learning and cooperative research among academia, government, industry and other non-government organizations in offshore-related technologies and activities that help ensure environmentally safe and responsible offshore operations. OESI represents a cooperative agreement partnership between BSEE, Texas A&M University, University of Texas and University of Houston.
OESI stems from a recommendation from the Ocean Energy Safety Advisory Committee, a federal advisory group comprised of representatives from industry, federal government agencies, non-governmental organizations and the academic community. OESI is an important source of unbiased, independent information and will not have any regulatory authority over the offshore industry. OESI is a collaborative venture that will also include involvement on science and technology issues from the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management.
OESI will promote collaboration among Federal agencies, industry, standards organizations, and academia in order to provide technical assistance to BSEE, BOEM, and the industry in areas related to emerging technologies, the best available and safest technologies (BAST), and the identification of gaps in safety research. In addition, it will assist in the development of databases to measure and assess the reliability of safety systems and train Federal employees to enable them to remain current on state-of-the-art technology. Information on issues related to offshore safety and best practices will be shared with industry, government, and the public through OESI held forums.
To date, OESI has conducted eight forums which include Risk, Data Collection, Research, Human Factors, Shallow Water Blowouts, SEMS Next Steps, Keeping a Focus on Barriers for Safer Offshore Operations and Alarm Management Best Practices and Focus on Managing Drilling Margin and Well Control Risk. These forums have created a forum for dialogue for shared learning and cooperative research among academia, government, industry and other non-governmental organizations, in ocean energy related technologies and activities that ensure safe and environmentally responsible ocean energy operations. OESI supported BSEE as they hosted the 2015 BSEE Domestic and International Standards Workshop in Houston, Texas in May 2015. OESI also supported BSEE by hosting a BAST Forum on November 12, 2015 in Houston, Texas. On May 5, 2017, OESI will host a second International and Domestic Standards workshop in support of BSEE, the theme for the event is Integrity Management. Their expertise assisted BSEE as we shared the BAST Determination draft process with industry stakeholders. BSEE has also engaged OESI to assist in the hosting of a forum on BSEE Technology Assessment. The event occurred in February 2017, in Houston. BSEE has recently solicited OESI assistance in hosting a phase 2 public forum on BAST with focus on Early Kick Detection (EKD) and Methane Gas Detection (MGD) in April 2017. OESI has also published a draft white paper to highlight potential application for real-time monitoring on drilling operations. OESI is conducting a presentation on this topic at a separate forum on April 17, 2017 in Houston.
Through the work of Director of Operations of OESI and the Primary Investigator, there is now an established Advisory Committee in place. The latest AC meeting was held in January 2017; the next one is scheduled for April 25, 2017 which will be hosted by Weatherford, The AC is in place to further assist in establishing future directions of the Safety Institute. The Advisory Committee consists of stakeholders from the four representative group’s oil and gas, which are academia, industry, federal agencies and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s). Recent members to join the committee are from Department of Energy, United States Coast Guard and (NGO) Resources for the Future. OESI has conducted recent discussions with Louisiana State University (LSU), and hope they will joining the Advisory Committee very soon. They have presented a list of topics for possible forums for 2017, and await response from the AC on next steps. The last one conducted in 2016 focused on well control operations, and occurred in November. OESI has consistently produced an OESI annual report and made available to all stakeholders for review. Latest one was completed in October 2016. BSEE personnel conducted a site visit to OESI, and were presented the annual report draft in October 2016.
OESI is conducting a third party assessment for the offshore training program for BSEE engineers. OESI will be conducting an overall assessment of engineer training by SME’s that specialize in education/learning and others in training requirements and technical development of engineers. BSEE is looking for assessment tools such as measures that can continue to assess the BSEE engineer training program and make adjustments for improvement where necessary. OESI has aggressively started to conduct task associated with this work, and held internal meetings with identified SME’s, in addition to conferences with BSEE management and the Chief of the Offshore Training Branch. Assessment is scheduled to be completed NLT 6 months from execution of modification. Within the scope of work associated with this report, OESI conducted a site visit to BSEE Lake Jackson District in November 2016. The final draft report should be available for review late March 2017, with final completion in April 2017.
In the area of RTM, this scope of work includes a pilot training program, and then full implementation of RTM training and subject matter expertise in this area. The official kick off meeting for RTM took place on September 20, 2016 in Houston. BSEE and OESI representatives have been collaborating on the topic of RTM since the execution of the cooperative agreement modification in late July early August timeframe. The have produced a draft white paper on RTM that has been published and available to the public. OESI has been asked to produce a strawman framework on the implementation of RTM, that is under consideration by BSEE.
OESI will be reviewing recommendations prepared by the National Academy of Science (NAS) and how RTM should be implemented as it pertains to best available and safest technologies (BAST).
Latest monitoring report reflected task associated with year two of the BSEE Tech Challenge. Year one was a tremendous success, and recognized by the Secretary of DOI as well as the public. OESI is a partner with BSEE in conducting the youth initiative, and serves as the project manager. This event is in support of DOI’s Youth initiative. This year’s challenge will be expanded to allow students in the Gulf of Mexico and Pacific Region areas to participate. This event highlights the work of BSEE and provides the opportunity to engage and serve/impact the communities geographically located in our areas of responsibilities. OESI staff briefed BSEE Senior Management in December 2016, and obtained approval for the execution of tech challenge year two. Dates are 3 March,2017- University of Houston, March 31, 2017 – University of Louisiana in Baton Rouge, 5 April 2017 in the Bakersfield California area, are the dates for the events. OESI has also been recognized by the oil and gas industry, and routinely sets on various panels, or attends meeting with companies as well as trade associations such as American Petroleum Institute (API) and the Offshore Operators Committee (OOC).
Fiscal Year 2014 – Fiscal Year 2018: Operation and Maintenance of the Ocean Energy Safety Institute (OESI).
The mission of the OESI is provide a forum for dialogue, shared learning and cooperative research among academia, government, industry and other non-government organizations in offshore-related technologies and activities that help ensure environmentally safe and responsible offshore operations. OESI represents a cooperative agreement partnership between BSEE, Texas A&M University, University of Texas and University of Houston.
OESI stems from a recommendation from the Ocean Energy Safety Advisory Committee, a federal advisory group comprised of representatives from industry, federal government agencies, non-governmental organizations and the academic community. OESI is an important source of unbiased, independent information and will not have any regulatory authority over the offshore industry. OESI is a collaborative venture that will also include involvement on science and technology issues from the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management.
OESI will promote collaboration among Federal agencies, industry, standards organizations, and academia in order to provide technical assistance to BSEE, BOEM, and the industry in areas related to emerging technologies, the best available and safest technologies (BAST), and the identification of gaps in safety research. In addition, it will assist in the development of databases to measure and assess reliability of safety systems and train Federal employees to enable them to remain current on state-of-the-art technology. Information on issues related to offshore safety and best practices has been shared with industry, government, and the public through OESI held forums.
Accomplishments Summary To date, OESI has conducted ten forums, which include Risk, Data Collection, Research, Human Factors, Shallow Water Blowouts, SEMS Next Steps, Keeping a Focus on Barriers for Safer Offshore Operations and Alarm Management Best Practices and Focus on Managing Drilling Margin and Well Control Risk. These forums have created a forum for dialogue for shared learning and cooperative research among academia, government, industry and other non-governmental organizations, in ocean energy related technologies and activities that ensure safe and environmentally responsible ocean energy operations. OESI supported BSEE as they hosted the 2015 BSEE Domestic and International Standards Workshop in Houston, Texas in May 2015. OESI also supported BSEE by hosting a BAST Forum on November 12, 2015 in Houston, Texas. On May 5, 2017, OESI will host a second International and Domestic Standards workshop in support of BSEE, the theme for the event is Integrity Management. Their expertise assisted BSEE as we shared the BAST Determination draft process with industry stakeholders. BSEE has also engaged OESI to assist in the hosting of a forum on BSEE Technology Assessment. The event occurred in February 2017, in Houston. BSEE has recently solicited OESI assistance in hosting a phase 2 public forum on BAST with focus on Early Kick Detection (EKD) and Methane Gas Detection (MGD) in April 2017. OESI has also published a draft white paper to highlight potential application for real-time monitoring on drilling operations. OESI conducted a presentation on this topic at a separate forum on April 17, 2017 in Houston.
Through the work of Director of Operations of OESI and the Primary Investigator, there is an established Advisory Committee (AC) in place. The AC is in place to further assist in establishing future directions of the Safety Institute. The AC consists of stakeholders from the four representative group’s within oil and gas industry, which are academia, industry operators, federal agencies and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s). Recent members to join the committee are from Department of Energy, United States Coast Guard and (NGO) Resources for the Future. OESI conducted discussions with Louisiana State University (LSU), and hope they will joining the Advisory Committee very soon. OESI had presented a list of topics for possible forums for 2017. The same year, the company Hilcorp approached OESI to conduct selected research, as a result conducted a peer review workshop forum on 7-8 November 2017 regarding the science-based academic review of work from researchers on burning efficiency of oil-gas mixtures. In April of 2019, OESI conducted a forum on Process Safety in Wells, Leading and Lagging Indicators in Well Control, at Texas A&M.
OESI has consistently produced an OESI annual report and made it available to all stakeholders for review. The institute published their latest report in the late fall of 2018. OESI was invited to present current operational status on sustainability and success during a meeting with the BSEE Director in April of 2018.
Early 2019, OESI completed a literature review on fastener coatings for subsea critical equipment to be shared with BSEE and other industry stakeholders. They also in early 2019 produced an update of their 21st Century Ocean energy Safety Research Roadmap and made available to all oil and gas industry stakeholders. The original version was published in 2014.
OESI conducted a third party assessment for the offshore training program for BSEE engineers. This assessment was conducted by SME’s that specialized in education/learning and others in training requirements and technical development of engineers. BSEE was looking for assessment tools such as measures that can continue to assess the BSEE engineer-training program and make adjustments for improvement where necessary. OESI conducted task associated with this work, and held internal meetings with identified SME’s, in addition to conferences with BSEE management and the prior Chief of the Offshore Training Branch. Within the scope of work associated with this report, OESI conducted a site visit to BSEE Lake Jackson District in November 2016. After several meetings between BSEE and OESI, and revisions of the document, the final publication of engineer training assessment completed in the fall of 2018.
In the area of RTM, this scope of work included a pilot training program, and then full implementation of RTM training and subject matter expertise in this area. The official kick off meeting for RTM had taken place on September 20, 2016 in Houston. BSEE and OESI representatives collaborated on the topic of RTM since the execution of the cooperative agreement modification in late July early August 2016 timeframe. OESI produced a draft white paper on RTM that has been published and available to the public. In 2018, OESI conducted one RTM training pilot session, and used the lessons learned from that to put on an August 2018, course for BSEE staff (Inspectors and Engineers) at the Gulf of Mexico Regional Headquarters in New Orleans, LA. In 2018, OESI also provided BSEE a detailed training guide for the instruction and use of RTM to fulfill future training needs on the subject matter.
OESI reviewed recommendations prepared by the National Academy of Science (NAS) and how RTM should be implemented as it pertains to best available and safest technologies (BAST).
Latest monitoring report reflected task associated with year two of the BSEE Tech Challenge. The first year was a tremendous success, and recognized by the Secretary of DOI as well as the public. OESI is a partner with BSEE in conducting the youth initiative, and serves as the project manager. This event was in support of DOI’s Youth initiative. The expansion of 2017’s challenge was to allow students in the Gulf of Mexico and Pacific Region areas to participate. This event highlighted the work of BSEE and provided the opportunity to engage and serve/impact the communities geographically located in our areas of responsibilities. OESI staff briefed BSEE Senior Management in December 2016, and obtained approval for the execution of tech challenge year two. Dates were 3 March,2017- University of Houston, March 31, 2017 – University of Louisiana in Baton Rouge, 5 April 2017 in the Bakersfield California area, were the dates for the events. The technology challenge in each geographical area was a tremendous success.
The oil and gas industry, has recognized OESI, and routinely invites them to set on various panels, or attends meeting with companies as well as trade associations such as American Petroleum Institute (API) and the Offshore Operators Committee (OOC).
Regulations, Guidelines, and Literature (140): The Offshore Regulatory Programs are described in 30 CFR 250, Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf. Final reports are available online in the BSEE website at: http://www.bsee.gov/ .
Fiscal Year 2014 – Fiscal Year 2020: Operation and Maintenance of the Ocean Energy Safety Institute (OESI).
The mission of the OESI is provide a forum for dialogue, shared learning and cooperative research among academia, government, industry and other non-government organizations in offshore-related technologies and activities that help ensure environmentally safe and responsible offshore operations. OESI represents a cooperative agreement partnership between BSEE, Texas A&M University, University of Texas and University of Houston.
OESI stems from a recommendation from the Ocean Energy Safety Advisory Committee, a federal advisory group comprised of representatives from industry, federal government agencies, non-governmental organizations and the academic community. OESI is an important source of unbiased, independent information and will not have any regulatory authority over the offshore industry. OESI is a collaborative venture that will also include involvement on science and technology issues from the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management.
OESI will promote collaboration among Federal agencies, industry, standards organizations, and academia in order to provide technical assistance to BSEE, BOEM, and the industry in areas related to emerging technologies, the best available and safest technologies (BAST), and the identification of gaps in safety research. In addition, it will assist in the development of databases to measure and assess reliability of safety systems and train Federal employees to enable them to remain current on state-of-the-art technology. Information on issues related to offshore safety and best practices has been shared with industry, government, and the public through OESI held forums.
Operation and Maintenance of the Ocean Energy Safety Institute (OESI)
The mission of the OESI is provide a forum for dialogue, shared learning and cooperative research among academia, government, industry and other non-government organizations in offshore-related technologies and activities that help ensure environmentally safe and responsible offshore operations. OESI represents a cooperative agreement partnership between BSEE, Texas A&M University, University of Texas and University of Houston.
OESI stems from a recommendation from the Ocean Energy Safety Advisory Committee, a federal advisory group comprised of representatives from industry, federal government agencies, non-governmental organizations and the academic community. OESI is an important source of unbiased, independent information and will not have any regulatory authority over the offshore industry. OESI is a collaborative venture that will also include involvement on science and technology issues from the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management.
OESI will promote collaboration among Federal agencies, industry, standards organizations, and academia in order to provide technical assistance to BSEE, BOEM, and the industry in areas related to emerging technologies, the best available and safest technologies (BAST), and the identification of gaps in safety research. In addition, it will assist in the development of databases to measure and assess reliability of safety systems and train Federal employees to enable them to remain current on state-of-the-art technology. Information on issues related to offshore safety and best practices has been shared with industry, government, and the public through OESI held forums.
Operation and Maintenance of the Ocean Energy Safety Institute (OESI); Established Joint Steering Committee and Subject Matter Expert teams for each sector.
Continued Operation and Maintenance of the Ocean Energy Safety Institute (OESI). Oil and Gas workshop, Wind workshop, Marine Energy workshop; establishment of Industry Advisory Board; Roadmaps for Oil and Gas, Wind, and Marine Energy; establishment of OESI Consortium Operations Document; Annual Plan; release of initial Request for Proposals (RFP) for research projects.
Continued Operation and Maintenance of the Ocean Energy Safety Institute (OESI); refresh roadmaps and annual plans; awards and/or results of initial research projects; continued release of RFPs; Cross-functional team workshops
Anticipate Future Awards.
Anticipate Future Awards.
Single Audit Applies (2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F):
For additional information on single audit requirements for this program, review the current Compliance Supplement.
OMB is working with the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) and agency offices of inspectors general to include links to relevant oversight reports. This section will be updated once this information is made available.