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Lead Hazard Control for High Risk Areas

Program Information

Popular name

Lead Risk Assessment Demonstration

Program Number


Program objective

This funding will be made available to public housing agencies that operate the housing choice voucher program to conduct lead hazard screenings or lead-risk assessments during housing quality standards inspections of pre-1978 units in which a family with a voucher resides or expects to reside, and has or expects to have a child under age 6 residing in the unit, to demonstrate whether such a process preserves rental housing availability and affordability.

Program expenditures, by FY (2023 - 2025)

This chart shows obligations for the program by fiscal year. All data for this chart was provided by the administering agency and sourced from,, and

For more information on each of these data sources, please see the About the data page.

Additional program information

Single Audit Applies (2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F):

For additional information on single audit requirements for this program, review the current Compliance Supplement.

OMB is working with the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) and agency offices of inspectors general to include links to relevant oversight reports. This section will be updated once this information is made available.

The following requirements affect applicant eligibility. Outstanding Delinquent Federal Debts Debarments and/or Suspensions Pre-selection Review of Performance Sufficiency of Financial Management System False Statements Mandatory Disclosure Requirement Prohibition Against Lobbying Activities Equal Participation of Faith-Based Organizations in HUD Programs and Activities 1.Compliance with Non-discrimination and Other Requirements. Unless otherwise specified, these non-discrimination and equal opportunity authorities and other requirements apply to all NOFAs. Please read the following requirements carefully as the requirements are different among HUD’s programs. · Compliance with Fair Housing and Civil Rights Laws. · Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing. · Economic Opportunities for Low-and Very Low-income Persons (Section 3). · Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency (LEP). · Accessible Technology. 2. Equal Access to Housing Regardless of Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity. 3. Ensuring the Participation of Small Disadvantaged Business, and Women-Owned Business. 4. OMB Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards. 5. Compliance with the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (Pub. L.109-282) (Transparency Act), as amended. 6. Accessibility for persons with Disabilities. 7. Conducting Business in accordance with Ethical Standards/Code of Conduct. 8. Environmental Requirements. Compliance with 24 CFR Part 58, Environmental Review Procedures for Entities Assuming HUD Environmental Responsibilities, is explained below: a. Environmental Requirements. Award of a Lead Risk Assessment Demonstration grant does not constitute approval of specific sites where activities that are subject to environmental review may be carried out. Recipients of funding under this NOFO that are states or units of general local government must carry out environmental review responsibilities as a responsible entity under part 58. For recipients that are not a state or unit of general local government, (or a consortium with such a government as principal applicant) must identify a State, unit of general local government that will be responsible entity (24 CFR 58.2(a)(7)) to assume responsibilities for environmental review and decision-making. Reasonable expenses incurred for compliance with these environmental requirements are eligible expenses under this NOFO. Recipients must also meet environmental justice requirements noted in the NOFO. b. For all grants awarded under this NOFA, recipients and other participants in the project are prohibited from undertaking or committing or expending HUD or non-HUD funds on a project or activities under this NOFA (other than activities listed at 24 CFR 58.34, 58.35(b) or 58.22(f), e.g., lead-based paint inspections, risk assessments, and housing related health hazard assessments until the recipient or the responsible entity, as applicable, completes an environmental review including the submission, and HUD approval, of a Request for Release of Funds and the recipient's Environmental Certification (both on Form HUD 7015.15For Part 58 procedures see: 9. Davis-Bacon Wage Rates. The Davis-Bacon wage rates are not applicable to these programs. However, if you use grant funds in conjunction with other federal programs, Davis-Bacon requirements may apply to the extent required under the other federal programs.

  1. Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Redduction Act of 1992, X, 1011.