To maintain technological superiority in the scientific areas relevant to Air Force needs; to prevent technological surprise to our nation and create it for our adversaries; to maintain a strong research infrastructure composed of Air Force laboratories, industry, and universities; and to complement the national research effort.
This chart shows obligations for the program by fiscal year. All data for this chart was provided by the
administering agency and sourced from SAM.gov, USASpending.gov, and Treasury.gov.
For more information on each of these data sources, please see the
About the data page.
“(DURIP 17) Photonic-to-RF Instrumentation Systems for Manufacturing and Testing of Integrated Components (PRISMATIC)” Awarded 30 SEP 2017 to the University of Delaware for $358,301.00.
Capitalized on the various types of assistance instruments available in our toolbox and applied the knowledge to effectively and efficiently meet AFRL’s mission requirements.
The number of awards and total dollars being obligated under this listing has grown from FY24. The projects executed under this listing support collaboration between USAFA’s cadets and real-world research initiatives, enhancing and furthering cadet education
Produced software control methodologies and algorithms resulting in assured behaviors for networked, collaborative, and autonomous (NCA) agents to be constructed in a modular and open architecture focused on adaptive real-time deep learning methods applicable and scalable across a network with intermittent feedback and communications in contested environments.
Single Audit Applies (2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F):
For additional information on single audit requirements for this program, review the current Compliance Supplement.
OMB is working with the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) and agency offices of inspectors general to include links to relevant oversight reports. This section will be updated once this information is made available.