(Hydrometeorological Development)
To maintain a cooperative university and Federal partnerships to conduct meteorological training, education, professional development, and research and development on issues common to the hydrometeorological community, and to reduce the impact of tsunamis through hazard assessment, warning guidance, and mitigation.
This chart shows obligations for the program by fiscal year. All data for this chart was provided by the
administering agency and sourced from SAM.gov, USASpending.gov, and Treasury.gov.
For more information on each of these data sources, please see the
About the data page.
Projects awarded will produce web-based hydro-meteorological training modules and other education material, conduct research on improving the performance of numerical weather prediction models, establish graduate fellowships for students studying the atmospheric and related sciences, and worke toward developing communities better prepared for tsunamis. Projects awarded developed the Education, Training and Capacity Development (ETCD) Center for weather, water, and climate forecasting. This center will focus on human performance improvement and capacity development in National Meteorological and Hydrological Services. Projects also worked toward helping communities become better prepared for tsunamis.
Projects awarded will continue development of the Education, Training and Capacity Development (ETCD) Center for weather, water, and climate forecasting. This center will focus on human performance improvement and capacity development in National Meteorological and Hydrological Services. Projects will also work toward helping communities become better prepared for tsunamis.
Projects awarded will continue development of the Education, Training and Capacity Development (ETCD) Center for weather, water, and climate forecasting. This center will focus on human performance improvement and capacity development in National Meteorological and Hydrological Services. Projects will also work toward helping communities become better prepared for tsunamis.
Single Audit Applies (2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F):
For additional information on single audit requirements for this program, review the current Compliance Supplement.
OMB is working with the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) and agency offices of inspectors general to include links to relevant oversight reports. This section will be updated once this information is made available.