Assistance from USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) to selected eligible applicants to conduct targeted outreach and technical assistance on FSA programs in urban areas, with an emphasis on communities of disadvantaged, historically-underserved, beginning, and veteran socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers in urban areas. Socially disadvantaged groups are defined as a group whose members have been subjected to racial, ethnic, or gender prejudice because of their identity as members of a group without regard to their individual qualities. Outreach and technical assistance are focused on educating agricultural producers in one or more of FSA’s Urban County Committee (COC) Pilot locations and other urban areas. These agreements will support urban agriculture outreach, research, training, technical assistance, and education projects through non-competitive cooperative agreements with local organizations. Micro-grants may be authorized to urban agricultural producers as beneficiaries as needed for projects that support the goals of this opportunity and for areas where USDA funding already isn’t available. FSA must approve the project plan before the micro-grant portion of any proposal could be implemented. With the complex nature of some of FSA’s programs, FSA will focus additional outreach and education to producers in areas who could benefit from additional outreach in order to (1) increase knowledge, awareness, and participation in FSA and USDA programs and services associated with growing food in an urban area; (2) assist farmers with expanding their farming operations, accessing land, and implementing climate-friendly practices that can mitigate their susceptibility to natural disasters in urban areas; and (3) increase representation of underserved farmers serving on Urban County Committees.
This chart shows obligations for the program by fiscal year. All data for this chart was provided by the
administering agency and sourced from,, and
For more information on each of these data sources, please see the
About the data page.
158 Urban Ag Producers that received training on FSA/USDA Urban Ag Toolkits. 1257 Urban Ag Producers with increased knowledge in the application process for FSA/USDA Urban Ag related services. 1540 Urban Ag Producers that have an increased awareness on FSA and other USDA programs and services. 912 Urban Ag Producers who have indicated interest in receiving more information about programs. 552 Urban Ag Producers that have increased knowledge and developed the skills needed to organize the requirements for applying for FSA/USDA services and loans. 43 Urban Ag Producers that applied and received Farm Numbers. 39 Urban Ag Producers that signed up for FSA/USDA programs. 45 Urban Ag Producers who adopted a financial management method. 49 Number of Urban Ag Producers that wrote business/financial plans. 14 Urban Ag Producers who applied for and received FSA/USDA program enrollment and/or funding after working with an Urban Ag Cooperator. 103 Urban Ag Producers selected beneficiaries to received Microgrants. 35 sub-awards. 19 Least 2 stand-alone outreach events per year to promote interaction with USDA program information and staff in each county. Establish an internship for veteran beginning farmers in Tarrant County, leveraging F.A.R.M.’s existing experience and knowledge. 4 interns were accepted into the program. Implemented a series of educational events (in-person workshop or webinar) that assist farmers with expanding their farming operations in both Dallas & Tarrant Counties, 18 participants. Provided technical assistance to all interested farmers and ranchers in the area.
Single Audit Applies (2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F):
For additional information on single audit requirements for this program, review the current Compliance Supplement.
OMB is working with the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) and agency offices of inspectors general to include links to relevant oversight reports. This section will be updated once this information is made available.