Hopkins/USDA Participant Research Innovation Laboratory; HPRIL
The objective of this opportunity was to announce the availability of funds to establish the Participant Research Innovation Laboratory for Enhancing WIC Services. The role of the PRIL is to support and evaluate local efforts to develop interactive tools, technical resources, or innovative solutions that improve customer service in WIC clinics and/or WIC retailers (referred to hereafter as WIC vendors) and ultimately encourage and improve retention of eligible children in WIC. Research projects build on and improve our understanding of the diverse personal experiences, perceptions, and attitudes of those eligible for WIC services. Implemented strategies/solutions will be evaluated for their impact on participant satisfaction and retention, and other relevant measures, within the local agency setting. In addition, the Grantee, Johns Hopkins University, will provide evaluation-related technical assistance to State and local WIC agencies carrying out similar interventions through WIC Special Project Grants or other awards.
This chart shows obligations for the program by fiscal year. All data for this chart was provided by the
administering agency and sourced from SAM.gov, USASpending.gov, and Treasury.gov.
For more information on each of these data sources, please see the
About the data page.
Posted the Grants.gov solicitation on September 2nd; no award made.
Revised and reposted the Grants.gov solicitation on May 15, 2018; award anticipated by September 30, 2018.
HPRIL completed the Requested for Proposals and made award selections.
HPRIL provided technical assistance to WIC Special Project Grantees.
HPRIL held two advisory panel meetings.
HPRIL will hold a 2 and a half day sub-grantee training workshop from 9/9-9/11.
Monthly COIN calls have been occurring with subgrantees. These calls focused on project implementation updates as well evaluation and data collection planning for the individual subgrantee project evaluations. Supplementing the monthly COIN calls, additional TA calls were conducted with each subgrantee to discuss implementation progress and talk through different elements of their process evaluations, including innovative tool coverage strategies and discussions about data collection instruments and interpretation and use of vendor data. Also, in 2020, implementation plans have been developed with subgrantees; a meeting with the advisory panel took place, and a TA Needs Assessment survey for Local WIC Agencies was administered.
The HPRIL team completed the following major activities in Year 3 Quarters 1, 2, and 3: a. Received one-year extension b. Provided opportunity for cost extension to subgrantees c. Onboarded new epidemiologist to assist with data analysis, Yunhee Kang d. Hosted an MSPH/RD student intern, Mary Champeny e. Began receiving and analyzing MIS baseline data from subgrantees f. Provided TA to HPRIL subgrantees • Hosted monthly COIN calls • Provided ongoing TA mentoring calls with agencies as needed, most of which focused on evaluation • Led a number of calls with state agency representatives related to baseline data g. Updated HPRIL website and launched HPRIL blog h. Submitted four conference abstracts and grantee and subgrantees presented 3 abstracts at 2021 NWA annual conference i. Finalized literature review on social media marketing techniques in WIC j. Interviewed main staff from NY subgrant
Hopkins Participant Research Innovation Library (HPRIL) and subgrantees prepared and completed Closeout Session presentations at FNS in 2022. HPRIL has also been engaged this year in data analysis, technical assistance to subgrantees, final report preparation, manuscript preparation, and development of a resource guide for State and local agencies.
HPRIL completed its 508 compliant final report and subgrantee final reports have also been completed. HPRIL also completed an interactive resource guide for local agencies, and white paper. HPRIL published a systematic review of digital media platforms for improving health behaviors for vulnerable families. HPRIL, FNS, and subgrantees are collaborating on various manuscripts for further dissemination of relevant findings. See https://publichealth.jhu.edu/departments/population-family-and-reproductive-health/research-and-practice/life-course-framework/child-health/women-infants-and-children-program-wic/hpril/publications for updates.
Single Audit Applies (2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F):
For additional information on single audit requirements for this program, review the current Compliance Supplement.
OMB is working with the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) and agency offices of inspectors general to include links to relevant oversight reports. This section will be updated once this information is made available.