To marshal resources of the Land-grant Institutions (LGIs) and Cooperative Extension Systems (CES) so that, in collaboration with other organizations, they can develop and deliver educational programs that equip youth who are at -risk for not meeting basic human needs with the skills they need to lead positive, productive, and contributing lives. The CYFAR Program is based on research on effective programs for at-risk youth and families and on the human ecological principle of working across the lifespan in the context of the family and community. To assure that the critical needs of children and families are met, CYFAR supports comprehensive, intensive, community-based programs developed with active citizen participation in all phases. CYFAR promotes building resiliency and protective factors in youth, families, and communities. CYFAR supports collaboration by forming lasting partnerships to achieve greater outcomes and provides a support base for sustaining programs for those at risk. CYFAR also promotes the use of technology to improve programs, provides efficient access to educational resources, and provides essential technological skills for youth and adults in at-risk environments. Further, LGIs and CES, in collaboration with other organizations, develop and deliver educational programs that equip military-connected youth with resiliency skills necessary to lead positive, productive, and contributing lives. The CMPC-PDTA provides for professional development and technical assistance to CYFAR 4-H Military partnership programs to ensure continued development and implementation of CMPC-PDTA.
This chart shows obligations for the program by fiscal year. All data for this chart was provided by the
administering agency and sourced from,, and
For more information on each of these data sources, please see the
About the data page.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
(A) - Children, Youth, and Families At- Risk (aka CYFAR)
SPECIAL NOTE: See Assistance Listing # 10.500 (J) for pertinent details.
(B) - Sustainable Community Projects (aka CYFAR-SCP)
SPECIAL NOTE: See Assistance Listing # 10.500 (U) for pertinent details.
(C) – CYFAR Professional Development and Technical Assistance (aka CYFAR-PDTA)
SPECIAL NOTE: See Assistance Listing # 10.500 (V) for pertinent details.
(D) – Military Partnerships
SPECIAL NOTE: See Assistance Listing # 10.500 (FF) for pertinent details.
This represents a newly created CFDA number, which was part of an initiative to break out the separate programs formerly contained in CFDA # 10.500.
The amount available for awards is $8,059,200. Sustainable Community Project funding represented 42 successful applicants (new and continued awards) and successful applicants will receive $5,980,000 for Fiscal Year 2019.
The funding ratio for new projects was 64%.
The CYFAR Professional and Development and Technical Assistance (PDTA) funding was $990,000.
The CYFAR Military PDTA funding was $516,200.
The CYFAR Professional and Development and Technical Assistance (PDTA) as Continued project funding will be $990,000.
Pertinent details will be provided by Program at a future date.
Number of applications received: 16 proposals were accepted for panel review. Number of awards made: 11
Single Audit Applies (2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F):
For additional information on single audit requirements for this program, review the current Compliance Supplement.
OMB is working with the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) and agency offices of inspectors general to include links to relevant oversight reports. This section will be updated once this information is made available.