Tribal Colleges Research Grants Program (TCRGP)
The Tribal Colleges Research Grants Program (TCRGP) (aka 1994 Institutions Research Program) is a competitive grants program supporting fundamental and/ or applied agricultural research projects that address high priority concerns of tribal, national or multi-state significance. The program funds investigative and analytical studies and experimentation in the food and agricultural sciences (as defined in section 1404 of the NARETPA (7 U.S.C. 3103) and Part VIII, E. of this RFA). TCRGP seeks to advance the body of knowledge in the basic and applied natural and social sciences within the food and agricultural sciences.
This chart shows obligations for the program by fiscal year. All data for this chart was provided by the
administering agency and sourced from,, and
For more information on each of these data sources, please see the
About the data page.
For FY 2016: NIFA made ten (10) awards to seven (7) institutions totaling $1,674,391.
The 1994 Research Program is a competitive grant where recipients are selected via peer review.
Applicants may apply at four (4) different levels. A Student Research Experience can be funded up to $65,000; a Research Capacity Building Option up to $85,000 and a New Discovery Research option up to $200,000 and New Discovery with significant student research (five or more students) set at $220,000.
There is no limit on the number of applications that can be submitted by an institution and multiple awards can be made.
In FY 2016, there were two (2) student projects, one (1) capacity and seven (7) new discovery; four (4) of those included significant student research.
Further, two (2) proposals that were not funded in FY 2015, re-submitted enhanced applications and received awards in FY 2016.
The National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) made ten (10) awards to seven (7) institutions totaling $1,674,391.
The 1994 Research Program is a competitive grant where recipients are selected via peer review.
Applicants may apply at four (4) different levels. A Student Research Experience can be funded up to $65,000; a Research Capacity Building Option up to $85,000 and a New Discovery Research option up to $200,000 and New Discovery with significant student research [five (5) or more students] set at $220,000.
There is no limit on the number of applications that can be submitted by an institution and multiple awards can be made.
In FY 2016, there were two (2) student projects, one (1) capacity and seven (7) new discovery; four (4) of those included significant student research.
Further, two (2) proposals that were not funded in FY 2015, re-submitted enhanced applications and received awards in FY 2016.
NIFA made ten (14) awards to seven (13) institutions totaling $2,240,078. One school received two awards.
The 1994 Research Program is a competitive grant where recipients are selected via peer review. There were 18 proposals accepted for review. Each proposal was evaluated and scored by three reviewers.
Applicants could apply at five (5) different levels. A Student Research Experience can be funded up to $60,000; a Research Capacity Building Option up to $95,000 and a New Discovery Research option up to $200,000 and New Discovery with significant student research (five or more students) set at $220,000. In 2017 it was also possible to receive a “Pathways to Research” grant. This grant helps a 1994 Land Grant build scientific capacity in order to become a more competitive funding candidate. Pathways awards were funded up to $59,954.
For the FY 2017 program, there were no restrictions in the number of applications that an eligible institution may submit through NIFA would only award up to two research awards to any one institution in the New Discovery Research option and up to two awards in the Capacity Building option with a limit of three awards total to any one eligible institution in response to the FY 2017 RFA. An institution applying for a “Pathways to Research” award could not receive more than one award overall.
In FY 2017, there were two (2) pathways projects, two (2) student projects, one (1) capacity and nine (9) new discovery; seven (7) of those included significant student research.
Further, one (1) proposals that was not funded in FY 2016, re-submitted enhanced applications and received an award in FY 2017.
Fiscal Year (FY) 2018:
The combined total amount available for awards was $4,144,240.
NIFA made 13 awards to 13 institutions totaling $2,144,240.
The 1994 Research Program is a competitive grant where recipients are selected via peer review. There were 17 proposals accepted for review. Each proposal was evaluated and scored by three reviewers.
Applicants could apply at five (5) different levels. A Student Research Experience can be funded up to $60,000; a Research Community Capacity Building Option up to $95,000 and a New Discovery Research option up to $200,000 and New Discovery with significant student research (five or more students) set at $220,000.
For the FY 2018 program, there were no restrictions in the number of applications that an eligible institution may submit through NIFA would only award up to two research awards to any one institution in the New Discovery Research option and up to two awards in the Capacity Building option with a limit of three awards total to any one eligible institution in response to the FY 2017 RFA. An institution applying for a “Pathways to Research” award could not receive more than one award overall.
In FY 2018, there were two (2) student projects, one (3) community capacity and nine (1) new discovery; seven (7) of those included in the New Discovery Extended.
FY 2018 was the first year for this Program. There were four proposals funded out of 14 submitted to four different institutions. $2,000,000 was awarded to this program.
Fiscal Year (FY) 2019:
The combined total amount available for awards was $3,514,143.
The RFA for this program is currently published and it will close on November 2, 2019. Available funding for this program is $3,495,074.
The TCRAE program was included in the TCRGP RFA for 2019. This is funded from the same appropriated funds. The available for both of these programs for 2019 is $3,514,143.
FY 2023: 10 proposals were accepted for review and 9 were funded
FY 2024: This program will close December 31, 2024 but currently 6 proposals have been accepted for review and 2 have been funded during Phase 1 of the TCRGP program with two being recommended for funding for Phase 2 of the TCRGP program.
Single Audit Applies (2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F):
For additional information on single audit requirements for this program, review the current Compliance Supplement.
OMB is working with the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) and agency offices of inspectors general to include links to relevant oversight reports. This section will be updated once this information is made available.