Special Research Grants (SRGP)
To carry out research, to facilitate or expand promising breakthroughs in areas of the food and agricultural sciences of importance to the nation and to facilitate or expand on-going State-Federal food and agricultural research programs. Programs Listed under 10.200 are: Minor Crop Pest Management Program Interregional Research Project #4 (IR-4) Global Change Ultraviolet Radiation Monitoring and Research Program (GC/UV-B) Food and Agricultural Education Information System Special Research Grants Program Potato Breeding Research Special Research Grants Program Aquaculture Research Agricultural Science Center of Excellence for Nutrition and Diet (ASCEND) Pilot Nutrition Hub Regional Aquaculture Center Program, Section 1475 Supplemental and Alternative Crops Competitive Grants Program (SACC)
This chart shows obligations for the program by fiscal year. All data for this chart was provided by the
administering agency and sourced from SAM.gov, USASpending.gov, and Treasury.gov.
For more information on each of these data sources, please see the
About the data page.
For Fiscal Year 2016:
(A) Expert IPM Decision Support Systems:
No Action Needed (N/A/N): Program has not been funded for several years
(B) Global Change Ultraviolet Radiation Monitoring and Research Program (GC/UV-B):
The program made one (1) non-competitive award to Colorado State University to operate and manage USDA’s ultraviolet radiation climatology network, and to conduct, in collaboration with another institution, research on ultraviolet radiation effects on agriculturally relevant crops and integration of crop models. Coupling with economic models, effects research and simulations enable us to project regional and national climate change impacts on agriculture. The program maintained high data collection rates, model runs were made for corn, and work with crop simulations continues. Economic analysis modules have been coupled with the integrated assessment framework.
(C ) Integrated Pest Management & Biological Control:
No Action Needed (N/A/N): Program has not been funded for several years.
(D) Minor Crop Pest Management Program Interregional Research Project #4:
For the FY 2016 award cycle, $11,093,385 was awarded. Applications were received from four (4) regional centers and the National Headquarters Office. A diverse panel reviewed the applications and recommended funding each of the proposals received. A total of five (5) awards were made. Funds support research on pesticides for use in specialty crops and minor crops.
(E) Pest Management Alternatives (PMAP):
No Action Needed (N/A/N): Program has not been funded for several years.
(F) Special Research Grants Program Potato Breeding Research:
For the FY 2016 funding cycle, approximately $1,849,191 was available to fund proposals submitted to this program.
A total of five (5) applications, requesting a total of $2,229,378 have been received by the program.
On June 6, 2016, a seven-member peer review panel has evaluated these applications. The peer panel included faculty from 1862 and 1890 land grant universities, and Federal and industry scientists.
Funded projects will support potato research that has a high potential to develop potato varieties with a high value to the potato industry.
(G) Critical Agricultural Materials:
No Action Needed (N/A/N): Program has not been funded for several years.
(H) Special Research Grants Program Aquaculture Research (aka Aquaculture Centers):
The FY 2016 Aquaculture Research Special Research Grants program proposals have been received. A total of 56 proposals were received. It is anticipated that 4 awards will be made from approximately $1.2 million available to the awardees. The panel selecting the awards met July 12-14.
Pertinent data to be provided by Program at a future date.
(I) Supplemental and Alternative Crops Competitive Grants Program (aka Canola Research and SACC):
For the FY 2016 award cycle, approximately $768,924 is available to fund proposals received by this program. Maximum award size is $210,000.
A total of ten (10) applications requesting a total of $ 2,010,087 was received in this year’s competition. On June 6, 2016, a seven-member peer review panel evaluated these applications.
The peer panel included faculty from 1862 and 1890 land grant universities, and Federal and industry scientists.
Funded projects will support integrated research and extension projects that focus on developing and testing superior canola germplasm; improving methods of planting, cultivation and harvesting; and transferring the new knowledge to producers.
(J) Policy Research Centers (aka Agriculture and Rural Policy Research):
No Action Needed (N/A/N): Program has not been funded for several years.
(K) McIntire-Stennis Cooperative Forestry Research aka Rangeland Research Program (aka Joe Skeen Institute for Rangeland Restoration):
No Action Needed (N/A/N): Listing represents an error. See CFDA # 10.202 for this Program.
(L) Forest Products Research Grants Program:
No Action Needed (N/A/N): Program has not been funded for several years.
(M) Minor Use Animal Drugs:
No Action Needed (N/A/N): Program has not been funded for several years.
(N) National Biological Impact Assessment Program:
No Action Needed (N/A/N): Program has not been funded for several years.
NOTE: No Action Needed (N/A/N) for CFDA # 10.200 (O), (P), and (Q). They were assigned for informational purposes only and do not represent federal assistance programs.
(R) Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (SNAP & EFNEP): Regional Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Centers of Excellence (RNECE):
No new awards are planned for the RNECE Initiative.
The following represents accomplishments for active Programs:
(B) Global Change Ultraviolet Radiation Monitoring and Research Program (GC/UV-B):
The program made one (1) competitive award to operate and manage USDA’s ultraviolet radiation climatology network, and to conduct, in collaboration with another institution, research on ultraviolet radiation effects on agriculturally relevant crops and integration of crop models. Coupling with economic models, effects research and simulations enable us to project regional and national climate change impacts on agriculture. The program maintained high data collection rates, model runs were made for corn, and work with crop simulations continues. Economic analysis modules have been coupled with the integrated assessment framework.
The amount available to fund proposals was $1,305,147.
(D) Minor Crop Pest Management Program Interregional Research Project #4:
Applications were received from four (4) regional centers and the National Headquarters Office. A diverse panel reviewed the applications and recommended funding each of the proposals received. A total of five (5) awards were made. Funds support research on pesticides for use in specialty crops and minor crops.
(F) Special Research Grants Program Potato Breeding Research:
For the Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 grant cycle, $1,848,966 was available to fund proposals submitted to this program.
In 2016, four (4) proposals were submitted and they were reviewed in the same panel with canola proposals. There were ten (10) panelists.
Funds were available to support all four (4) awards.
The funding ratio for this program is 100%.
Funded projects will support potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) research that focuses on the development and testing of superior potato varieties for commercial production.
(H) Special Research Grants Program Aquaculture Research (aka Aquaculture Centers):
The Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 Aquaculture Research Special Research Grants program panel met from July 12-14. A total of 56 proposals were received. Four (4) awards were made. The total amount of $1,236,969 available to fund these four (4) proposals.
(I) Supplemental and Alternative Crops Competitive Grants Program (aka Canola Research and SACC):
For the Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 award cycle, $767,790 was available to fund the proposals received by this program. The maximum award was $195,000.
Ten (10) applications were received, a total of $ 2,010,087 was requested for the FY 2016 competition. On June 6, 2016, a seven (7) member peer review panel evaluated the applications.
The peer panel included faculty from 1862 and 1890 land-grant institutions (LGIs), and Federal and industry scientists.
Funds were available to support a total of four (4) awards. The funding rate was 40%.
Funded projects will develop canola as a viable supplemental and alternative crop in the United States. They are supporting integrated research and extension projects that focus on developing and testing superior canola germplasm; improving methods of planting, cultivation and harvesting; and transferring the new knowledge to producers.
These projects involved stakeholders in priority setting, project development and implementation; and included multi-state cooperation. The funded projects will complement research being conducted by the U. S. Department of Agriculture‘s Agricultural Research Service (ARS).
The following Programs are no longer funded: hence, no action is required:
(A) Expert IPM Decision Support Systems
(C ) Integrated Pest Management & Biological Control (Special Research Grants):
(E) Pest Management Alternatives (PMAP):
(G) Critical Agricultural Materials:
(J) Policy Research Centers (aka Agriculture and Rural Policy Research):
(K) McIntire-Stennis Cooperative Forestry Research aka Rangeland Research Program
(L) Forest Products Research Grants Program:
(M) Minor Use Animal Drugs:
(N) National Biological Impact Assessment Program:
(R) Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (SNAP & EFNEP): Regional Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Centers of Excellence (RNECE):
Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 – ACTIVE Programs: Total Appropriations for the Special Research Grants Program was approximately $21.7 million for Fiscal Year (FY) 2017.
Per the Budget Office, after legislatively authorized set-asides, approximately $20.1 million was available for awards.
(B) Global Change Ultraviolet Radiation Monitoring and Research Program (GC/UV-B):
The program made one (1) continuation award.
The Principal Investigators (PIs) operated and managed USDA’s ultraviolet radiation climatology network, and conducted, in collaboration with other institutions, research on ultraviolet radiation effects on agriculturally relevant crops. Projection of regional and national climate change impacts on cotton/maize/soybeans using economic models, effects research, and simulations continued.
The amount available to fund proposals was $1,305,638.
(D) Minor Crop Pest Management Program Interregional Research Project #4 (aka IR-4):
For the Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 award cycle, $11,070,513 was awarded.
In FY 2017 NIFA posted a competitive RFA for four (4) regional centers and a National Headquarters Office to administer the Minor Crop and Minor Use Pesticide program known as IR-4 for the next two years. A peer review panel reviewed all applications that were received and recommended funding each of the 5 (five) proposals received. Funds support research on pesticides for use in specialty crops and minor crops
(F) Potato Breeding Research:
For the Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 award cycle, $2,078,195 was available for grant awards.
A total of four (4) applications were received that requested a total of $4,301,857.
Five (5) proposals were submitted to the program. One (1) was rejected for lack of program fit, so four (4) were reviewed by a panel of five (5) reviewers.
A six member peer-review panel evaluated these applications on June 12, 2017. The peer panels included faculty from land grant universities and Federal and industry scientists.
Funds were available to support four new integrated research and extension projects awards totaling $2,078,195.
The funding success rate for this program in FY 2017 was 80% for new awards.
Funded projects will support potato research that has a high potential to develop potato varieties with a high value to the potato industry.
(H) Aquaculture Research and Aquaculture Centers:
The Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 Aquaculture Research Special Research Grants program panel met from July 17-19. A total of 54 proposals were received. Four (4) proposals will be funded. There was approximately $1,216,344 million available for these awards.
For Fiscal Year (FY) 2017, approximately $3.7 million was available for the Regional Aquaculture Centers Program. Each of the Regional Centers was awarded $734,424.
(I) Supplemental and Alternative Crops Competitive Grants Program (aka Canola Research and SACC):
For the FY 2017 award cycle, $766,656 was available to fund the proposals received by this program. The maximum award was $325,000.
Seven (7) applications were received, a total of $ 1,397,133 was requested for the FY 2017 competition. On June 22, 2017, an eight (8) member peer review panel evaluated the applications.
The peer panel included faculty from 1862 land-grant institutions (LGIs), and Federal and industry scientists.
Three (3) awards were supported with the funding. The funding rate was 43%.
Funded projects will develop canola as a viable supplemental and alternative crop in the United States. They are supporting integrated research and extension projects that focus on developing and testing superior canola germplasm; improving methods of planting, cultivation and harvesting; and transferring the new knowledge to producers.
These projects involved stakeholders in priority setting, project development and implementation; and included multi-state cooperation. The funded projects will complement research being conducted by the U. S. Department of Agriculture‘s Agricultural Research Service (ARS).
(S) Food and Agriculture Education Information System (FAEIS)
In FY 2017 FAEIS funded a single continuation grant in the amount of $220,000. SPECIAL NOTE: The listing below represents Programs which have not been recently funded. Hence, no further action is required (N/A/N) for the following Programs:
(A) Expert IPM Decision Support Systems;
(C ) Integrated Pest Management & Biological Control;
(E) Pest Management Alternatives (PMAP);
(G) Critical Agricultural Materials;
(J) Policy Research Centers (aka Agriculture and Rural Policy Research);
(K) McIntire-Stennis Cooperative Forestry Research. NOTE: Previously, was erroneously listed under CFDA # 10.200 (K). The appropriate CFDA Number is # 10.202.
(L) Forest Products Research Grants Program;
(M) Minor Use Animal Drugs;
(N) National Biological Impact Assessment Program; and
(R) Regional Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Centers of Excellence (RNECE).
Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 – ACTIVE Programs:
(B) Global Change Ultraviolet Radiation Monitoring and Research Program (GC/UV-B):
The program made one (1) continuation award for a grant entitled Agroclimatology - Global Change, Ultraviolet Radiation Monitoring and Research. The PIs operated and managed USDA’s ultraviolet radiation climatology network, and conducted, in collaboration with other institutions, research on ultraviolet radiation effects on agriculturally relevant crops.
Projection of regional and national climate variability impacts on cotton/maize/soybeans using economic models, effects research, and simulations continued.
The amount available to fund proposals was $1,305,638.
(D) Minor Crop Pest Management Program Interregional Research Project #4 (aka IR-4):
For the Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 award cycle, $11,070,513 was awarded as continuation awards to the current four (4) regional centers and the National Headquarters Office. Funds support research on pesticides for use in specialty crops and minor crops.
(F) Potato Breeding Research:
For the Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 award cycle, $2,323,200 was available for grant awards. A total of four (4) continuation applications were received, requesting a total of $2,323,200. The funding success rate for this program in FY 2018 was 100% for continuation awards.
These were continuations of 2-yr awards granted the year before by a peer review panel. Project success was reviewed internally by NIFA staff to ensure projects were progressing.
(H) Aquaculture Research (aka Aquaculture Centers):
The Aquaculture Research Special Research Grants Program was not included in the President’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 budget request.
However, funding was appropriated for the Program in FY 2018. The appropriated amount was $1.35 million. These funds were made available for this program with 56 proposals submitted for funding. Four (4) awards of approximately $300,000 each were made.
(I) Supplemental and Alternative Crops Competitive Grants Program (aka Canola Research and SACC):
For the FY 2018 award cycle, approximately $762,600 was anticipated for awards. Maximum award size was $200,000.
Eight (8) applications were received, for a total of $ 1,589,476 requested for the FY 2018 competition. On June 18, 2018, an eight (8) member peer review panel evaluated the applications. The peer panel included faculty from 1862 and 1890 land-grant institutions (LGIs), Federal scientists, and an industry farmer.
Four (4) awards were supported, for a total available of $763,071. The funding rate was 50%.
Funded projects supported integrated research and extension (R&E) projects focused on developing and testing superior canola germplasm; improving methods of planting, cultivation and harvesting; and transferring new knowledge to producers.
(S) Food and Agriculture Education Information System (FAEIS)
SPECIAL NOTE: This program is not supported through a program specific appropriation
In FY 2018 Food and Agriculture Education Information System (FAEIS) was competed for a single award of $220,000.
The program received two applications and one was awarded.
It is anticipated that continuation grants will be awarded, contingent upon performance, for project periods up to five years.
The anticipated total for the entire project period is approximately $1,100,000.
(T) Air Force Medical Operations Agency (AFMOA) Mental Health Division Research Project (aka MFRP)
For Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 the amount available to support this Program was $1,443,990.
(U) Air Force Family Advocacy Program
The actual funding for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 was $2,129,595.
SPECIAL NOTE: The listing below represents Programs which have not been recently funded. Hence, no further action is required (N/A/N) for the following Programs:
(A) Expert IPM Decision Support Systems;
(C ) Integrated Pest Management & Biological Control;
(E) Pest Management Alternatives (PMAP);
(G) Critical Agricultural Materials;
(J) Policy Research Centers (aka Agriculture and Rural Policy Research);
(K) McIntire-Stennis Cooperative Forestry Research. See CFDA # 10.202 for this Program.
(L) Forest Products Research Grants Program;
(M) Minor Use Animal Drugs;
(N) National Biological Impact Assessment Program; and
(R) Regional Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Centers of Excellence (RNECE).
Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 – ACTIVE Programs:
(B) Global Change Ultraviolet Radiation Monitoring and Research Program (GC/UV-B):
The program made one (1) continuation award for a grant entitled Agroclimatology - Global Change, Ultraviolet Radiation Monitoring and Research. The PIs continued to operate and manage USDA’s ultraviolet radiation climatology network, and conducted, in collaboration with other institutions, research on ultraviolet radiation effects on agriculturally relevant crops. Further emphasis was placed on crop modeling and economics portions of the project.
The amount available to fund proposals was $1,305,638.
This project received an approved Competition Waiver allowing it to continue over the next three (3) years. A copy of this waiver has been uploaded to the appropriate database. Remaining documents for establishment of the project are in process.
(D) Minor Crop Pest Management Program Interregional Research Project #4 (aka IR-4):
For the Fiscal Year 2019 award cycle, $11,069,838 will be awarded.
In FY 2019 NIFA posted a competitive RFA for four (4) regional centers and a National Headquarters Office to administer the Minor Crop and Minor Use Pesticide program known as IR-4 for the next two years. A peer review panel reviewed all applications that were received and recommended funding each of the 5 (five) proposals received.
(F) Potato Breeding Research:
For the Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 award cycle, $2.25 million was anticipated to be available for grant awards. A total of four (4) applications were received, requesting a combined total of $4,644,804.
A five (5)-member peer-review panel evaluated these applications on July 18, 2019. The peer panel included faculty from one (1) 1890 and three (3) 1862 land grant universities; and one (1) Federal (ARS) scientist.
Funds were available to support four new integrated research and extension projects awards, totaling $2,555,070. The funding success rate for this program in FY 2019 was 100% for new awards.
Funded projects will support breeding research that leads to the development and commercial use of superior performing potato varieties that address significant challenges to the U.S. potato industry.
(H) Aquaculture Research (aka Aquaculture Centers):
The Aquaculture Research Special Research Grants Program was not included in the President’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 budget request.
However, funding was appropriated for the Program in FY 2019. The appropriated amount was $2.0 million. These funds were made, available for this program with 72 proposals submitted for funding. Eight awards were made from approximately $100,000 to $300,000 each.
(I) Supplemental and Alternative Crops Competitive Grants Program (aka Canola Research and SACC):
For the FY 2019 cycle, approximately $1,000,000 was anticipated for awards. Maximum award size was anticipated at $225,000 for Canola Regional Integrated R&E Projects (one/region), and $100,000 for canola projects in other states. Funding was also available for a conference to assess national industrial hemp R&E needs, not to exceed $50,000.
Eight (8) applications were received: six (6) for canola R&E projects and two (2) for hemp R&E needs-assessment conferences, for a total of $1,199,879 requested for FY 2019. On July 11, 2019, a six (6)-member peer review panel evaluated the applications. The panel included faculty from 1862 land-grant universities and a farmer-member of the U.S. Canola Board.
Total available funding was $928,830, from which three regional canola R&E projects were funded for $293,000 each, and one hemp conference for $50,000, for a funding rate of 50%. The R&E projects will develop and test superior canola germplasm; improve planting, cultivation and harvesting methods; and transfer new knowledge to producers. The conference will assess national industrial hemp R&E needs.
(S) Food and Agriculture Education Information System (FAEIS) As single continuation award of $220,000 is expected to be awarded in July, 2020.
(T) Air Force Medical Operations Agency (AFMOA) Mental Health Division Research Project (aka MFRP)
Program did not received funding in FY 2019.
(U) Air Force Family Advocacy Program
This program was not awarded funding in FY 2019.
SPECIAL NOTE: The listing below represents Programs which have not been recently funded. Hence, no further action is required (N/A/N) for the following Programs:
(A) Expert IPM Decision Support Systems;
(C ) Integrated Pest Management & Biological Control;
(E) Pest Management Alternatives (PMAP);
(G) Critical Agricultural Materials;
(J) Policy Research Centers (aka Agriculture and Rural Policy Research);
(K) McIntire-Stennis Cooperative Forestry Research. See CFDA # 10.202 for this Program.
(L) Forest Products Research Grants Program;
(M) Minor Use Animal Drugs;
(N) National Biological Impact Assessment Program; and
(R) Regional Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Centers of Excellence (RNECE).
Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 – ACTIVE Programs:
(B) Global Change Ultraviolet Radiation Monitoring and Research Program (GC/UV-B):
The FY 2020 funding levels have not yet been established by Congressional Appropriations.
If this Program is funded in FY 2020, it is projected that the funding level will be comparable to that previously allocated. Under the approved Competition Waiver approved in 2019, the project entitled Agroclimatology - Global Change, Ultraviolet Radiation Monitoring and Research is eligible for funding.
Pertinent details will be provided by Program at a future date.
(D) Minor Crop Pest Management Program Interregional Research Project #4 (aka IR-4): The FY 2020 funding levels have not yet been established by Congressional Appropriations.
If this Program is funded in FY 2020, it is projected that the funding level will be comparable and the types of projects will be similar. NIFA anticipates funding five (5) continuation projects, i.e. four (4) regional centers and a National Headquarters Office.
Pertinent details will be provided by Program at a future date.
(F) Potato Breeding Research:
The FY 2020 funding levels have not yet been established by Congressional Appropriations.
If this Program is funded in FY 2020, it is anticipated that NIFA will offer only continuation awards. NIFA does not intend to solicit new applications for 2020.
Pertinent details will be provided by Program at a future date.
(H) Aquaculture Research (aka Aquaculture Centers):
The FY 2020 funding levels have yet to be established by Congressional Appropriations.
However, if the Program is funded in FY 2020, it is anticipated that an amount similar to the FY 2019 levels ($2.0 million, appropriated) will be made available for this program with approximately 70 proposals submitted for funding. If funded, it is anticipated that approximately $1.7 million will be available for eight (8) awards of approximately $100,000 to $300,000 each.
It is projected that similar projects will be supported in FY 2020.
Pertinent details will be provided by Program at a future date.
(I) Supplemental and Alternative Crops Competitive Grants Program (aka Canola Research and SACC):
(S) Food and Agriculture Education Information System (FAEIS)
The FY 2020 funding levels is contingent upon Congressional Appropriations to Higher Education programs.
FAEIS will be funded through a non-competitive continuation award.
(T) Air Force Medical Operations Agency (AFMOA) Mental Health Division Research Project (aka MFRP)
Program will not receive funding in FY 2020.
(U) Air Force Family Advocacy Program
This program is not projected to be funded in FY 2020.
The listing below represents Programs which have not been recently funded. Hence, no further action is required (N/A/N) for the following Programs:
(A) Expert IPM Decision Support Systems;
(C ) Integrated Pest Management & Biological Control;
(E) Pest Management Alternatives (PMAP);
(G) Critical Agricultural Materials;
(J) Policy Research Centers (aka Agriculture and Rural Policy Research);
(K) McIntire-Stennis Cooperative Forestry Research. See CFDA # 10.202 for this Program.
(L) Forest Products Research Grants Program;
(M) Minor Use Animal Drugs;
(N) National Biological Impact Assessment Program; and
(R) Regional Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Centers of Excellence (RNECE).
Proposals received: 5 Proposals funded: 5 Goals from portal: The mission of the SRAC is to support aquaculture research, development, and demonstration to enhance viable and profitable U.S. aquaculture production to benefit consumers, producers, service industries, and the American economy.
Proposals received: 5 Proposals funded: 5 The primary objective of this project is to fund aquaculture research, development, demonstration, extension, and education projects supported by the Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture (CTSA) to fulfill its mission to enhance viable and profitable U.S. aquaculture. CTSA is one of five Regional Aquaculture Centers (RACs) funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
Single Audit Applies (2 CFR Part 200 Subpart F):
For additional information on single audit requirements for this program, review the current Compliance Supplement.
OMB is working with the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) and agency offices of inspectors general to include links to relevant oversight reports. This section will be updated once this information is made available.